Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures
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A1 students enrolled in higher education

A1.01 Students enrolled in higher education since 1960 (thousands)

1960-61 1 1970-71 1 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Change
Universities 214.7 661.2 858.1 1,159.9 1,396.8 1,407.9 1,448.2 1,440.9 1,450.7 1,462.7 1,499.6 1,531.3 1,593.2 +4.0
technological university institutes (IUT) 24.2 53.7 72.3 116.1 117.3 117.3 115.7 115 114.7 115.8 116.4 116.2 -0.2
engineers 8.3 10.5 23.2 23.2 23.1 23.9 24.7 25.1 25.7 26.6 28.5 +7.0
higher technical sections (STS3 2 8.0 2 26.8 67.9 199.3 238.9 234.2 240.3 242.2 246 253.7 255.0 255.2 256.1 +0.3
CPGE 4 2 21.0 2 32.6 40.1 64.4 70.3 80 81.1 79.9 80.4 82.2 83.5 84.0 85.9 +2.3
Engineering courses (including alternance training programmes) 28.6 57.7 96.5 114.1 121.4 126.2 130.4 134.3 137.3 141.6 146.4 +3.4
Business, management and accountancy schools (excluding higher technical certificates - BTS) 15.8 46.1 63.4 100.6 116.3 121.3 126.7 131 134.2 134.3 136.2 +1.4
Paramedic and social care schools 5 91.7 74.4 93.4 137.2 136.2 137.4 140.6 132.9 135.1 135.4 135.4 0.0
Other institutions and courses 2 66.0 2 130.0 87.1 125.7 224.3 183.4 193.6 195.6 200.7 207.3 213.2 215.9 226.3 +4.8
All 6 309.7 850.6 1,181.1 1,717.1 2,160.3 2,234.2 2,314 2,319.6 2,350.9 2,379.2 2,432.2 2,471.2 2,551.1 +3.2
private 224.1 277.4 371.1 400.8 411 422.1 428.4 444.1 437.7 449.9 +2.8

1 Figures for metropolitan France for 1960-61 and 1970-71.
2 Estimate.
3 Including Mayotte, which has been an overseas department (DOM) since 2011.
4 Students studying for a diploma in accountancy and finance (DECF) were classified in the CPGE (Class preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles) category prior to 1990 and subsequently in the 'Other institutions and courses' category.
5 2014-15 data for paramedic and social care courses.
6 Excluding double counting of engineers and students on CPGE courses.

 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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A1.02 Number of students enrolled in higher education in 2015-16, by type of course and institution (thousands)

BMP qualifications Healthcare professions Engineering courses 1 Technological university diploma (DUT) Advanced technician diploma (BTS) and similar qualifications Classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE) and integrated preparatory courses Other Total
Secondary schools (lycées) 234.2 83.5 14.4 332.1
private 62.1 12.0 4.7 78.8
Universities 2 1,065.3 183.9 28.5 116.2 3.0 196.3 1,593.2
Other higher education institutions 3 31.9 1.3 30.5 63.7
private 19.4 1.3 11.6 32.3
Teacher training schools (écoles normales supérieures) 5.8 5.8
Engineering schools 9.6 118.0 9.0 6.3 143.0
private 0.3 42.8 5.7 1.5 50.3
Business, management and accountancy schools 2.2 136.2 138.5
private 2.2 135.1 137.3
Law and administration schools 10.1 10.1
private 4.9 4.9
Journalism and literary schools 7.2 7.2
private 7.2 7.2
Non-university paramedic schools 4 103.7 103.7
private 25.0 25.0
Schools preparing students for social care professions 4 31.8 31.8
private 30.8 30.8
Grandes Écoles in arts and cultural subjects 4 1.1 46.9 47.9
private 1.1 29.9 30.9
Schools of architecture 18.9 18.9
private 0.8 0.8
Schools of veterinary medicine and science 2.7 2.7
Other specialist schools 18.6 2.5 31.5 52.5
private 18.5 2.5 30.5 51.4
Total 1,106.8 288.9 146.4 116.2 256.1 98.0 538.7 2,551.1
private 19.7 26.4 42.8 0.0 83.9 20.2 257.0 449.9

1 Including alternance training programmes in engineering.
2 Including the University of Lorraine, which was granted grand établissement legal status in 2011.
3 Private university institutions, Paris-Dauphine, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (IEP Paris), École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques (ENSSIB), Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO), Observatoire de Paris, École pratique des hautes études, Institut de physique du Globe, École nationale des chartes.
4 Provisional 2015-16 data (rollover of 2014-15 data).

 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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