Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

📄 Source:OVE.

 Coverage:students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

The 7th edition of the Student Living Conditions survey by the Observatoire national de la vie étudiante (OVE) was carried out in spring 2013. An average of one in ten students was invited, by e-mail, to respond to an online questionnaire. Around 41,000 students took part, a response rate slightly above 21%.

To guarantee better representation, the raw data was weighted in reference to the centralised data by the supervising ministries' statistical services on the actual enrolments at institutions.

The respondents therefore represent the 1,948,265 students enrolled during the 2012-13 academic year at university, engineering, business or cultural schools or in the senior classes of public secondary schools under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (i.e. 82% of the student population in France).

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15 student life: integration and sociability

Although a majority of students in 2013 said they were happy with their integration in their peer group, one-third of students did not feel integrated in the institution. This experience of integration is not only down to participation in social, cultural or association activities in the institutions, but the social and academic characteristics of the students themselves.

In 2013, 61% of students said they were quite or very satisifed with their integration in the group of students on their course (chart 15.01a). This percentage is higher among students in classes preparing for admission to the Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) (81%), among students enrolled in University technology institutes (IUT) (76%) or Advanced technician's section (STS) (72%), or again among those following an engineering course (74%). Among students on university courses, those who were satisfied or very satisfied with their integration in their peer group was 52% on "Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences" courses, 53% on "Law, Economics" courses, and 55% on "Healthcare" courses. The feeling of integration in the peer group was also higher among men than women (65% compared to 58%) and more common among students living at home (63% compared to 60% of students living outside the home) not exercising any paid activity (62% compared to 60% of wage-earning students).

The feeling of integration in the life of the institution is less widely shared, with 34% of students in 2013 saying they were satisfied or very satisfied (chart 15.01b). This percentage is higher among students at a business or engineering school (respectively, 50% and 55% of students said they were quite or very satisfied with their integration) than among university students, where 26% of students were satisfied or very satisfied with their integration on "Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences" courses, 29% on "Law, Economics" courses, and 32% on "Sciences" or "Healthcare" courses. Men (38% compared to 31% of women) and un-waged students (37% compared to 32% of wage-earning students), plus students from higher social categories (36% compared to 35% and 34% respectively of students whose socio-economic category is average or low) have a higher probability of feeling quite or very satisfied with their integration in the life of the institution.

The feeling of integration also varies according to the students' participation in the social, cultural or association life of their institution (chart 15.02a and chart 15.02b): students who took part in cultural events in their institution were more likely to say they were satisfied with their integration in the life of the institution (48% compared to 27% of those not participating in cultural events) and in their peer group (70% compared to 56%). The feeling of integration in the life of the institution and the group of students on the course was also higher among students who belong to student associations (49% and 71% satisfied compared to 29% and 58% respectively), visit the student welfare office (46% and 67% compared to 30% and 57%), take part in student evenings (45% and 71% satisfied compared to 24% and 51%) or use sports equipment (42% and 67% compared to 30% and 57%) or cultural amenities (45% and 65% compared to 31% and 58%). This participation, which is crucial to the feeling of integration, is itself dependent on the type of course followed (table 15.03), with students at university in particular being more involved in these different activities than STS students, are who the least involved, for reasons that may also relate to the different activities on offer for these courses.


📄 Source:OVE.
 Coverage:students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

How to cite this paper :

BELGHITH Feres, FERRY Odile. Student life: integration and sociability. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 50 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2016. 9th ed. Chapter 15 [Accessed 03/09/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-151572-7.


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The 7th edition of the Student Living Conditions survey by the Observatoire national de la vie étudiante (OVE) was carried out in spring 2013. An average of one in ten students was invited, by e-mail, to respond to an online questionnaire. Around 41,000 students took part, a response rate slightly above 21%.

To guarantee better representation, the raw data was weighted in reference to the centralised data by the supervising ministries' statistical services on the actual enrolments at institutions.

The respondents therefore represent the 1,948,265 students enrolled during the 2012-13 academic year at university, engineering, business or cultural schools or in the senior classes of public secondary schools under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research (i.e. 82% of the student population in France).


15.01a Feeling of integration in the group of students on the course according to their social and academic characteristics (in %)

Gender - Men
Course - Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Law, Economics
Socio-economic category of parents - Higher
Grant-funded student
Non-grant funded student
Accommodation - Living at home
Not living at home
Paid activity - Non-waged
Dissatisfied or quite dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Satisfied or very satisfied

Question: "State to what extent you agree with the following statement: Today, I feel fully integrated in the group of students on my course."

📄 Source:OVE
 Coverage: students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

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15.01b Feeling of integration by students in the life of the institution according to their social and academic characteristics (in %)

Gender - Men
Course - Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences
Law, Economics
Socio-economic category of parents - Higher
Grant-funded student
Non-grant funded student
Accommodation - Living at home
Not living at home
Paid activity - Non-waged
Dissatisfied or quite dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Satisfied or very satisfied

Question: "State to what extent you agree with the following statement: Today, I feel fully integrated in the life of my institution."

📄 Source:OVE
 Coverage: students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

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15.02a Students' feeling of integration in the social, cultural or association life of their institution (in %)

Participation in the institution's cultural events - Yes
Participation in student evenings - Yes
Visiting the student welfare office - Yes
Membership of student associations - Yes
Use of sports equipment or centres - Yes 1
Use of cultural equipment or activities - Yes 1
Dissatisfied or quite dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Satisfied or very satisfied

Question: "State to what extent you agree with the following statement: Today, I feel fully integrated in the life of my institution."
1 Only the terms "yes, regularly" and "yes, from time to time" have been selected.

📄 Source:OVE

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15.02b LFeeling of integration in the group of students on the course, according to participation in the social, cultural or association life of their institution (in %)

Participation in the institution's cultural events - Yes
Participation in student evenings - Yes
Visiting the student welfare office - Yes
Membership of student associations - Yes
Use of sports equipment or centres - Yes 1
Use of cultural equipment or activities - Yes 1
Dissatisfied or quite dissatisfied
Quite satisfied
Satisfied or very satisfied

Question: "State to what extent you agree with the following statement: Today, I feel fully integrated in the group of students on my course."
1 Only the terms "yes, regularly" and "yes, from time to time" have been selected.

📄 Source:OVE
 Coverage: students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

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15.03 Student participation in the social, cultural or association life of their institution (in %)

All University (excluding healthcare) University (Healthcare) CPGE STS IUT Schools
Participation in the institution's cultural events 36 32 26 35 29 43 62
Participation in student evenings 50 41 53 70 40 63 77
Visiting the student welfare office 30 26 36 18 28 33 48
Membership of student associations 27 22 37 14 14 25 49
Use of sports equipment or centres 1 29 27 30 46 10 25 38
Use of cultural equipment or activities 1 17 18 11 15 11 13 27

36% of students have participated in at least one cultural event in the institution.
1 Only the terms "yes, regularly" and "yes, from time to time" have been selected.

📄 Source:OVE
 Coverage: students enrolled for the 2012-2013 academic year in universities (whole France), schools of engineering, business and culture, Advanced technician's sections (STS) and classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (CPGE).

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