Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures


 Coverage:Whole of France.

The field covered, survey no. 6 on the 'Assessment of continuing education actions carried out by public higher education institutions', includes all higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, whose mission is to offer higher education courses. Universities and their components, National polytechnical institutes (INP) and technology universities constitute the "Universities" category. The INALCO (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations) and the IEPs (Institutes of Political Studies) in Paris and the regions, plus the IAE (Institute of Business Administration) in Paris and the attached engineering schools, the Écoles Normales Supérieures (specialist universities) and some major institutions, schools and institutes outside universities, are also part of the field covered by the survey, under the category 'Engineering schools and other institutions'. The third category consists of the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design (CNAM) and its regional affiliated centres within the ARCNAM.

Trainee: the concept of a trainee corresponds to one enrolment, rather than to one natural person. A natural person may be enrolled on more than one course and is counted separately for each course on which they are enrolled.

Trainee hours: this unit of measurement corresponds to the number of trainees multiplied by the average duration of training programmes. There is a distinction between ‘teaching’ trainee hours, which correspond to students’ face-to-face contact time at an educational institution, and trainee hours that include time spent on practical placements.

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19 continuing education programmes at higher education institutions

This page has been updated. Read 24. continuing education programmes in higher education institutions in Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition - June 2017

In 2013, continuing education programmes at higher education institutions achieved a turnover of 427 million euros, a rise of 5% compared to 2012, in current euros. It represents less than 2% of vocational education turnover in France. 477,300 trainees attended and 82,800 qualifications were awarded, including 56,200 national diplomas.

In 2013, 477,300 trainees were on continuing education programmes in higher education, 1% less than in 2012. However, between 2012 and 2013, turnover increased by 5% in current euros. The volume of trainee hours increased, with 57 million teaching hours and 70 million hours when practical placements were included (table 19.01). Continuing education under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research occupied a modest place within vocational education in France in 2012: out of 19,500 bodies offering continuing education as a main activity, it represented 4.7% of the turnover, 3.6% of the number of trainees and 8.7% of trainee hours. Private funds, companies or individuals represented 68% of resources in terms of vocational training, an increase of two points compared to 2012 while, according to the Directorate for Research, Studies, and Statistics (DARES), public funds fell by 24% overall. In universities, the share of private funds reached 73%, while public funds fell to 20% (table 19.02).

The turnover for training offered by universities increased by 7% compared to 2012. The number of enrolments increased by 15% and the number of trainee hours by 5%. At the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design (CNAM), the number of 'auditeurs' and 'auditeur' hours (individuals enrolled to attend lectures) fell by 6% but the turnover remained stable. The average length of courses increased to reach 116 teaching hours (+ 2 hours) and 147 hours for training with a practical placement (+ 5 hours).

University technology institutes (IUTs) received 8% of university continuing education trainees at level III, II and I (17,650 trainees). They represented 13% of students preparing for a national diploma and 40% of vocational training contracts signed between universities and companies.

In 2013, 364,500 trainees were enrolled in continuing education at university, of which 52,700 attended public lectures. Out of the 311,800 students not enrolled on public lecture courses, the share of trainee employees enrolled through various systems (training plan, vocational training contract or individual training leave) fell by three points to 41% (chart 19.03) while the share of fee-paying trainees enrolled on their own initiative (individuals excluding public lecture courses) grew by four points (36%) and the number of jobseekers increased by one point, to 14% of trainees. Jobseeking trainees without financial aid now represent 36.5% of jobseekers taking continuing education courses.

In 2013, as in 2012, over half of trainees were preparing for a national diploma or qualification (33%) or a university degree (19%). Short qualifying courses, lasting on average 34 hours, attracted 25% of students, while attendance at cultural lectures increased by two points, with 19% of students (chart 19.05).

The number of qualifications awarded through university continuing education (including those awarded by Validation of learning from experience (VAE)) increased by nearly 1% in 2013. Of the 81,900 qualifications awarded, 68% were national diplomas (55,502). Out of these, 46% were level II (general Bachelor's degrees, vocational Bachelor's degrees and Master's degrees) 36% were level I (Engineering diplomas and Master's degrees), 12% were level IV and 6% level III, mainly University technology diplomas (DUT) (table 19.04). In 2013, the share of continuing education qualifications in all qualifications awarded by universities was 10%, compared to 9% in 2012.

 Coverage:Whole of France.

How to cite this paper :

GRILLE Joëlle. Continuing education programmes at higher education institutions. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 50 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2016. 9th ed. Chapter 19 [Accessed 01/22/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-151572-7.


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The field covered, survey no. 6 on the 'Assessment of continuing education actions carried out by public higher education institutions', includes all higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, whose mission is to offer higher education courses. Universities and their components, National polytechnical institutes (INP) and technology universities constitute the "Universities" category. The INALCO (National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations) and the IEPs (Institutes of Political Studies) in Paris and the regions, plus the IAE (Institute of Business Administration) in Paris and the attached engineering schools, the Écoles Normales Supérieures (specialist universities) and some major institutions, schools and institutes outside universities, are also part of the field covered by the survey, under the category 'Engineering schools and other institutions'. The third category consists of the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design (CNAM) and its regional affiliated centres within the ARCNAM.

Trainee: the concept of a trainee corresponds to one enrolment, rather than to one natural person. A natural person may be enrolled on more than one course and is counted separately for each course on which they are enrolled.

Trainee hours: this unit of measurement corresponds to the number of trainees multiplied by the average duration of training programmes. There is a distinction between ‘teaching’ trainee hours, which correspond to students’ face-to-face contact time at an educational institution, and trainee hours that include time spent on practical placements.


Key figures

Number of trainees accepted in university continuing education
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "19. continuing education programmes at higher education institutions".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Turnover of university continuing education
427 M
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "19. continuing education programmes at higher education institutions".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Number of Vocational bachelor's degrees awarded in continuing education
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "19. continuing education programmes at higher education institutions".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Number of Master's degrees awarded in continuing education
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "19. continuing education programmes at higher education institutions".

Coverage: all types of Master's degree at higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
  See one more key figure  
Number of diplomas awarded in continuing education
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "19. continuing education programmes at higher education institutions".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)

19.01 General data on continuing education programmes at higher education institutions in 2012 and 2013

2012 2013
Turnover (€M) Trainees Teaching trainee hours (in millions) Trainee hours including time spent on a practical placement (in millions) Turnover (€M) Trainees Teaching trainee hours (in millions) Trainee hours including time spent on a practical placement (in millions)
Universities, universities of technology and national polytechnical institutes 260 371,100 37.0 49.4 275 364,526 38.3 51.9
Engineering schools and other institutions overseen by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research 33 22,220 2.4 2.9 39 28,207 3.2 3.2
Total 293 393,320 39.4 52.3 314 392,733 41.5 55.1
CNAM and associated regional centres (Regional Association for the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design) 113 89,854 16.0 16.2 113 84,573 15.2 15.2
All university continuing education 406 483,174 55.4 68.5 427 477,306 56.7 70.3

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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19.02 Source of turnover (in current €M)

Universities, universities of technology and national polytechnical institutes Engineering schools and other institutions CNAM and associated regional centres (Regional Association for the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design) Total
2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013
Value Breakdown (%) Value Breakdown (%)
Companies 75.9 82.9 11.5 12.0 36.7 41.6 124.2 30.7 136.4 32.0
Accredited fund-collecting agencies (OPCA) 50.0 56.8 4.0 4.9 7.0 7.4 61.0 15.1 69.0 16.2
Sub-total companies and OPCAs 125.9 139.6 15.5 16.9 43.7 48.9 185.1 45.7 205.5 48.1
Individuals and trainees 59.3 61.7 5.7 6.4 17.2 15.3 82.2 20.3 83.4 19.6
Sub-total for sources of private funding 185.3 201.4 21.2 23.3 60.9 64.2 267.3 66.0 288.9 67.7
Public authorities: for training their employees 13.8 15.5 3.9 6.6 1.1 1.0 18.9 4.7 23.1 5.4
Public authorities: for training specific groups 34.4 34.2 1.6 2.3 40.4 35.8 76.4 18.9 72.4 17.0
of which regional councils 30.8 30.6 0.5 0.3 28.5 25.7 59.7 14.8 56.6 13.3
Other state resources including the Pôle emploi (State-run job centre) 4.9 5.4 0.1 0.2 1.8 3.1 6.9 1.7 8.7 2.0
Sub-total public funds 53.2 55.1 5.6 9.1 43.3 40.0 102.1 25.2 104.2 24.4
Other training organisations 9.6 9.0 3.6 3.2 4.5 5.2 17.7 4.4 17.4 4.1
Other resources (including VAE) 10.4 10.0 2.5 2.9 4.7 3.4 17.6 4.3 16.3 3.8
Total resources 258.5 275.4 32.8 38.5 113.4 112.9 404.7 100.0 426.8 100.0

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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19.03 Breakdown by type of trainee on continuing education programmes at universities, technology universities and national polytechnical institutes (%)

Training programme (a)
personnal training leave (b)
Vocational training contracts ©
All employees (a+b+c)
Jobseekers receiving financial assistance (d)
Other jobseekers (f)
All jobseekers (d+f)
Fee-paying individuals (excluding those enrolled on public lectures)
Other (self-employed professionals and traders)
 Coverage: Whole of France.

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19.04 National diplomas awarded on continuing education programmes by type of institution

Universities, universities of technology and national polytechnical institutes Engineering schools and other institutions CNAM and associated regional centres (Regional Association for the National Centre of Industrial Art and Design) Total change 2013/2012 (%)
2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013
Capacité en droit (basic legal qualification) 326 280 326 280 -14
Diploma giving access to university studies (DAEU) 6,003 5,950 6,003 5,950 -1
DELF-DALF (French language diplomas)1 228 228
Total level IV qualifications 6,329 6,458 6,329 6,458 +2
University Technology Diploma, National Specialised Technology Diploma (DUT, DNTS) 2,157 2,529 24 17 2,181 2,546 +17
Level III qualifications listed in the National Repository of Professional Certifications (RNCP) 377 285 0 12 617 697 1,142 994 -24
Total level III qualifications 2,534 2,814 12 641 714 3,323 3,540 +11
Bachelor's degrees (Licence) 3,738 4,254 1,877 1,450 5,615 5,704 +14
Vocational Bachelor's degrees (Licenc eprofessionnelle 13,828 14,003 2 0 392 761 14,222 14,764 +1
Master's degrees-Master1-MIAGE 2,997 3,192 2,997 3,192 +7
Level II qualifications listed in the RNCP 516 154 15 0 1,569 1,583 2,100 1,740 -70
Total level II qualifications 21,079 21,603 17 0 3,838 3,794 24,934 25,400 +2
Vocational Master's degrees 7,422 7,474 11 134 7,433 7,608 +1
Engineering Masters 70 97 150 109 220 206 +39
Research Masters 551 413 7 124 558 537 -25
Master's degrees 5,905 6,853 6 235 396 410 6,307 7,498 +16
Teaching Masters* 658 12 670
MBA Masters 181 506 316 335 42 497 883 +180
Engineering diplomas (including CNAM engineers) 290 387 273 244 408 430 971 1,061 +33
Level I qualifications listed in the RNCP 1,049 533 143 370 491 508 1,683 1,411 -49
PhD 70 91 91 49 51 119 233 +30
Total level I qualifications 15,538 17,012 906 1,654 1,344 1,441 17,788 20,107 +9
All qualifications 45,480 47,887 923 1,666 5,823 5,949 52,226 55,502 +5

1 Information available from 2013.

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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19.05 Distribution of trainees on continuing education programmes by type of diploma prepared (%)

National diplomas and qualifications listed in the National Repository of Professional Certifications (RNCP)
University diploma
Short courses
Public lectures
Support services (VAE, assessments, other)
 Coverage: Whole of France.

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