Ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation
Direction générale des ressources humaines - DGRH
72 rue Régnault, 75013 Paris
This source is used in these chapters:
In 2015-16, 92,200 teachers were working in public higher education establishments under the responsibility of the MENESR. Three-quarters of these teachers are employed in universities and 39% of tenured-teachers are women. [read more]
In 2015, 10,56 qualifications were issued for 8,243 individuals. 2,037 teachers-researchers were recruited into the corps of university professors and lecturers. Around 44% of lecturers recruited became qualified during the 2015 session and 46% of professors. The proportion of foreign nationals recruited as lecturers remained stable at about 15%. Endo-recruitment accounted for 20% of lecturers and 44% of university professors. [read more]