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Higher education and Research key figures


Share of Gross domestic expenditure on R&D executed by firms
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "26. Research and experimental development efforts in France".

Gross national expenditure on R&D by government
19.8 bn
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "26. Research and experimental development efforts in France".

Coverage: Current prices
Share of women among researchers in the Automobile industry
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "36. gender equality in research".

Variation in number of apprentices preparing a Master's degree
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "17. apprenticeships in higher education".

Share of female students in engineering courses
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "13. gender equality in higher education".

Student numbers in Sciences, Physical education and sports science and techniques (STAPS)
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "12. students in higher education".

Coverage: in universities
Share of business enterprises specialising in new materials
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "42. business R&D in new materials and nanotechnology".

Coverage: as a % of firms active in R&D
Share of children of manual workers or employees aged 20 to 24 with the baccalauréat
Metropolitan France
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Extract from the chapter "21. level of education according social background".

Source: Insee
Number of researchers in business enterprises in Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting
 people (FTE)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "35. human resources in research and development".

Coverage: full-time equivalent
Territorial authority share in funding domestic education expenditure
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "01. education expenditure on tertiary education".

Share of non-permanent teachers
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "04. teaching staff in public higher education under the responsability of the french ministry of education, higher education and research".

Coverage: teaching staff at higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Intramural business enterprise R&D expenditure in the Automobile industry
4,390 M
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "27. gross domestic expenditure on research and development".

Coverage: branch benefitting from research

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