Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

📄 Source:Insee.

 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

The results presented here are taken from the Community Innovation Survey (CIS 2012) carried out in 2013 and covering the period 2010-2012. It is a survey of active companies with 10 or more employees based in metropolitan France + overseas departments. The sectors covered are industry, wholesale trade, transport and storage, information-communication, financial and insurance activities and scientific and technical activities.

Technological innovation is innovation in products or processes or in innovating activities in these fields, whether or not they resulted in a successful innovation, as defined in the Oslo Manual.

Product innovation by a company consists of widening its range of goods or services.

Process innovation is implementing a production process, a distribution method or a support or aid activity for its goods or service provision which is new or significantly improved.

Innovating activities include the acquisition of machines, equipment, software, licences and engineering and R&D work, provided they are undertaken to develop or introduce a product or process innovation.

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44 technological innovation and public sector research

Between 2010 and 2012, 37% of companies with at least 10 employees in the sectors of industry, wholesale trade, transport, information-communication, scientific and technical or financial activities implemented technological innovations. Of these, seven out of ten were engaged in R&D activities. In addition, 14% of technologically-innovative companies were in partnership with the public research sector, contributing 70% of intramural R&D expenditure by these companies in 2012.

From 2010 to 2012, in the sectors of industry, wholesale trade, transport, information-communication, scientific and technical activities and financial activities, 37% of commercial companies based in France with 10 or more employees implemented technological innovations (chart 44.01), i.e. they introduced a new product or a new process onto the market or carried out activities to produce a new product or process. For 10% of companies, their innovation involved only a product, for 10% only a process, for 14% both product and process and 3% undertook work with the aim of producing a product or process innovation, but without bringing a new product or process onto the market. The most innovating sector in technological terms was that of information and communication: 54% of companies in this sector produced a technological innovation between 2010 and 2012. The proportion of innovative companies increased with their size, from 32% of companies with 10 to 19 employees to 70% of those with 250 employees or more.

Seven out of ten technologically-innovative companies were involved in R&D activities during the period in question (chart 44.02). This percentage was over 80% in companies with 250 or more employees and in the information and communication sector and also in the scientific and technical activities sector. It was a little higher than average in industry but lower in other sectors, especially transport and storage (27%).

Between 2010 and 2012, 14% of technologically-innovative companies developed a partnership with the public research sector as part of these innovations: 6% only with a university or other higher education institution, 2% only with a public R&D body (or a private not-for-profit institution) and 6% with both types of institution (chart 44.03). In contrast, 86% did not cooperate with these institutions as part of their innovation activities. This link was stronger in the scientific and technical activities sector (29%), weaker in wholesale trade (8%) and very weak in transport and storage (2%), a sector with very little R&D. Companies with more than 250 employees also had more frequent links than the others with public research (36%). When sector and size were the same, innovative companies with an international presence, and especially those with a product innovation that was new to the world market (15% of technologically-innovative companies), more often developed partnerships with public research: 35% entered into a public partnership. Companies that did have partners in public research were twice as likely as other companies to receive public financial support for their innovating activities (89%, compared with 43%). Virtually all of them carried out R&D activities, whereas this was the case for only two thirds of other companies.

Companies with partners in public research, which were already more likely to carry out R&D than other companies, spent considerably more on their R&D. They made up 20% of technologically-innovative companies carrying out R&D between 2010 and 2012, but contributed 71% of intramural R&D expenditure by these companies in 2012 (chart 44.04).

📄 Source:Insee.
 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

How to cite this paper :

CHAZAL Joëlle. Technological innovation and public sector research. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 49 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2015. 8th ed. Chapter 44, 98-99 [Accessed 03/09/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-139433-9.


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The results presented here are taken from the Community Innovation Survey (CIS 2012) carried out in 2013 and covering the period 2010-2012. It is a survey of active companies with 10 or more employees based in metropolitan France + overseas departments. The sectors covered are industry, wholesale trade, transport and storage, information-communication, financial and insurance activities and scientific and technical activities.

Technological innovation is innovation in products or processes or in innovating activities in these fields, whether or not they resulted in a successful innovation, as defined in the Oslo Manual.

Product innovation by a company consists of widening its range of goods or services.

Process innovation is implementing a production process, a distribution method or a support or aid activity for its goods or service provision which is new or significantly improved.

Innovating activities include the acquisition of machines, equipment, software, licences and engineering and R&D work, provided they are undertaken to develop or introduce a product or process innovation.


Key figures

Share of technologically innovative business enterprises
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "44. technological innovation and public sector research".

Coverage: secteurs de l'industrie, du commerce de gros, des transports, de l'information-communication, des activités scientifiques et techniques ou financières
Source: Insee
Share of technologically innovative business enterprises active in R&D
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "44. technological innovation and public sector research".

Coverage: secteurs de l'industrie, du commerce de gros, des transports, de l'information-communication, des activités scientifiques et techniques ou financières
Source: Insee
Share of technologically innovative business enterprises in partnership with public research
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "44. technological innovation and public sector research".

Coverage: secteurs de l'industrie, du commerce de gros, des transports, de l'information-communication, des activités scientifiques et techniques ou financières
Source: Insee

44.01 Breakdown of companies in terms of technological innovation from 2010 to 2012 (%)

250 or more employees
50 to 249 employees
10 to 49 employees
Scientific and technical activities
Financial and insurance activities
Information and communication
Transport and storage
Wholesale trade
Manufacturing, extractive, energy, water, waste management industries
Product innovative
Process innovative
Product and process innovative
Not product and process innovative but carrying out activities to be product or process innovative
Not technologically innovative 1

1 Among companies that were not technologically innovative, some may be innovative in organisation or in marketing.
Between 2010 and 2012, 37% of companies with 10 or more employees were technologically innovative, 10% were only product innovative, 10% only process innovative, 14% were both product and process innovative, 3% performed activities in order to be product or process innovative but did not bring any new product or process onto the market during the period under consideration.

📄 Source:Insee
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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44.02 Share of technologically-innovative companies carrying out R&D activities from 2010 to 2012 (%)

250 or more employees
50 to 249 employees
10 to 49 employees
Scientific and technical activities
Financial and insurance activities
Information and communication
Transport and storage
Wholesale trade
Manufacturing, extractive, energy, water, waste management industries
Performing R&D activities
Not performing R&D activities

Between 2010 and 2012, 71% of technologically-innovative companies with 10 or more employees performed R&D activities.

📄 Source:Insee
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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44.03 Share of technologically-innovative companies in partnership with public research (%)

250 or more employees
50 to 249 employees
10 to 49 employees
Scientific and technical activities
Financial and insurance activities
Information and communication
Transport and warehousing
Wholesale trade
Manufacturing industries, extractive industries and others
Only with a higher education institution
Only with a public or private non-profit R&D organisation
With a higher education institution and an R&D organisation
Technologically-innovative companies not in partnership with public research

Between 2010 and 2012, 14% of technologically-innovative companies with 10 or more employees developed a partnership with public research for this type of innovation: 6% only with a higher education institution, 2% only with a public or private not-for-profit R&D organisation and 6% with both types of partner.

📄 Source:Insee
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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44.04 Share of companies in partnership with public research in intramural R&D expenditure by technologically-innovative companies in 2012 (%)

250 or more employees
50 to 249 employees
10 to 49 employees
Scientific and technical activities
Financial and insurance activities
Information and communication
Transport and storage
Wholesale trade
Manufacturing, extractive, energy, water, waste management industries
Companies in partnership with public research
Companies not in partnership with public research

In 2012, 71% of intramural R&D expenditure by technologically innovative companies was by companies in partnership with public research.

📄 Source:Insee
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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Related statistical publication

 Insee Première 1521 - Exporting companies are more innovative than the others - Jean-Luc Tavernier, Emmanuelle Nauze-Fichet, Xavier Besnard - October 2014
Between 2010 and 2012, 53% of companies with 10 or more employees innovated among those falling within the scope of the Innovation Survey. 37% of the companies innovated in products or processes and 42% in organisation or marketing. One company in six introduced new products which did not previously exist in the marketplace. Within a constant segmental field, the propensity to innovate remained practically stable in the periods 2008-2010 and 2010-2012. Exporting companies innovate more than the others (64% compared to 43%), in particular to create new products. Close on half of the innovating companies have received governmental financial support. Companies tendering for public contracts or which undertake subcontracting work for third parties are on average more innovative.


 Etat de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rechercheL'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France n°8 - juin 2015
44 - innovation technologique et recherche publique - Joëlle Chazal
Entre 2010 et 2012, 37 % des sociétés d’au moins dix salariés des secteurs de l’industrie, du commerce de gros, des transports, de l’information-communication, des activités scientifiques et techniques ou financières ont entrepris des innovations technologiques. Parmi elles, sept sur dix sont engagées dans des activités de R&D. Par ailleurs, 14 % des sociétés technologiquement innovantes ont un partenariat avec la recherche publique mais elles contribuent pour 70 % aux dépenses de R&D réalisées en interne par ces sociétés en 2012 [Consult the following page in french]

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