44 technological innovation and public sector research
Between 2010 and 2012, 37% of companies with at least 10 employees in the sectors of industry, wholesale trade, transport, information-communication, scientific and technical or financial activities implemented technological innovations. Of these, seven out of ten were engaged in R&D activities. In addition, 14% of technologically-innovative companies were in partnership with the public research sector, contributing 70% of intramural R&D expenditure by these companies in 2012.
From 2010 to 2012, in the sectors of industry, wholesale trade, transport, information-communication, scientific and technical activities and financial activities, 37% of commercial companies based in France with 10 or more employees implemented technological innovations (chart 44.01), i.e. they introduced a new product or a new process onto the market or carried out activities to produce a new product or process. For 10% of companies, their innovation involved only a product, for 10% only a process, for 14% both product and process and 3% undertook work with the aim of producing a product or process innovation, but without bringing a new product or process onto the market. The most innovating sector in technological terms was that of information and communication: 54% of companies in this sector produced a technological innovation between 2010 and 2012. The proportion of innovative companies increased with their size, from 32% of companies with 10 to 19 employees to 70% of those with 250 employees or more.
Seven out of ten technologically-innovative companies were involved in R&D activities during the period in question (chart 44.02). This percentage was over 80% in companies with 250 or more employees and in the information and communication sector and also in the scientific and technical activities sector. It was a little higher than average in industry but lower in other sectors, especially transport and storage (27%).
Between 2010 and 2012, 14% of technologically-innovative companies developed a partnership with the public research sector as part of these innovations: 6% only with a university or other higher education institution, 2% only with a public R&D body (or a private not-for-profit institution) and 6% with both types of institution (chart 44.03). In contrast, 86% did not cooperate with these institutions as part of their innovation activities. This link was stronger in the scientific and technical activities sector (29%), weaker in wholesale trade (8%) and very weak in transport and storage (2%), a sector with very little R&D. Companies with more than 250 employees also had more frequent links than the others with public research (36%). When sector and size were the same, innovative companies with an international presence, and especially those with a product innovation that was new to the world market (15% of technologically-innovative companies), more often developed partnerships with public research: 35% entered into a public partnership. Companies that did have partners in public research were twice as likely as other companies to receive public financial support for their innovating activities (89%, compared with 43%). Virtually all of them carried out R&D activities, whereas this was the case for only two thirds of other companies.
Companies with partners in public research, which were already more likely to carry out R&D than other companies, spent considerably more on their R&D. They made up 20% of technologically-innovative companies carrying out R&D between 2010 and 2012, but contributed 71% of intramural R&D expenditure by these companies in 2012 (chart 44.04).
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Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
44.01 Breakdown of companies in terms of technological innovation from 2010 to 2012 (%)
1 Among companies that were not technologically innovative, some may be innovative in organisation or in marketing.
Between 2010 and 2012, 37% of companies with 10 or more employees were technologically innovative, 10% were only product innovative, 10% only process innovative, 14% were both product and process innovative, 3% performed activities in order to be product or process innovative but did not bring any new product or process onto the market during the period under consideration.
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44.02 Share of technologically-innovative companies carrying out R&D activities from 2010 to 2012 (%)
Between 2010 and 2012, 71% of technologically-innovative companies with 10 or more employees performed R&D activities.
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44.03 Share of technologically-innovative companies in partnership with public research (%)
Between 2010 and 2012, 14% of technologically-innovative companies with 10 or more employees developed a partnership with public research for this type of innovation: 6% only with a higher education institution, 2% only with a public or private not-for-profit R&D organisation and 6% with both types of partner.
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44.04 Share of companies in partnership with public research in intramural R&D expenditure by technologically-innovative companies in 2012 (%)
In 2012, 71% of intramural R&D expenditure by technologically innovative companies was by companies in partnership with public research.
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44 - innovation technologique et recherche publique - Joëlle Chazal