Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures
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EPO (Patstat) & OECD (Regpat)

Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur
Observatoire des Sciences et Techniques du HCERES - OST du HCRES
2 rue Albert Einstein, 75013 Paris

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In 2012, France was ranked 4th in the world in the European patent system with 6.4% of applications recorded. Its main specialisations are in the sub-fields of 'Transport' and 'Micro-structures and nano-technology'. In all fields combined, France's world share has been stable since 2007. During this time, however, the share of France's European patents involving international collaboration has increased by 10%. [read more]

In 2012, France was ranked 7th in the world in the United States patent system, with 2.1% of patents granted. Its main specialisations are in the sub-fields of "Organic fine chemistry", "Engines, pumps, turbines" and "Materials, metallurgy". All fields combined, France's world share has increased 3% since 2007. During this period, the share of US patents by France involving international collaboration has increased by 10%. [read more]

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