Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures
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Centre d'Études et de Recherches sur les Qualifications
Département entrées et évolutions dans la vie active - DEEVA
10 Place de la Joliette - BP 21321, 13567 Marseille Cédex 02

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9% of young people who left higher education in 2010 were unemployed in 2015, down by 4 points compared to 2013. But the background of the crisis has marked this Generation 2010, whose integration conditions are less favourable than those experienced by their predecessors in Generation 2004. At the same time, their working conditions have not improved much. [read more]

Women outnumber men in higher education, but are less likely to enrol in selective or scientific courses and are in the minority in PhD programmes. In 2013, their unemployment rate three years after leaving was higher than men for nearly all levels of qualification, and their employment conditions were less favourable. [read more]

In 2015, the unemployment rate for 2010 PhD graduates was close to 7%, compared to 9% two years previously. Despite this improvement, the situation for PhD graduates, in particular for Doctors of Life and Earth Sciences or, to a lesser extent, Arts and Human Sciences, is not as good as for graduates in other disciplines. [read more]

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