05 non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsability of the french ministry of education, higher education and research
In 2015-16, 60,200 non-teaching staff fulfilled administrative, technical or support functions in public higher education and research institutions (excluding scientific and technological public institutions).
In the academic year 2015-16, 60,200 staff carried out administrative, technical or supervisory functions in public higher education institutions (table 05.01). Engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF) made up the majority of non-teaching staff (67%) (chart 05.02). Their number has increased significantly since 2009-10 (+ 15%), especially among the category B and A posts (+ 28.7% and + 22.6% respectively). Administrative, healthcare and social personnel (ASS) represented one quarter of higher education non-teaching staff in 2015. They lost 20% of their personnel over the period. This decrease was particularly marked for staff in category C (- 26%) and B (- 19%). By contrast, the number of personnel in category A increased by 6% between 2009 and 2015.
Irrespective of the profession, category C employees make up the largest proportion. This is especially the case for ASS, as over half the staff belong to this category (52%). They represent 41% of ITRF and 39% of library personnel.
Personnel in category A account for around a third of ITRF and library staff, but only 20% of ASS. A quarter of the ITRF and ASS personnel are in category B. Slightly more library staff are in this category (31%).
Staff are predominantly female (63%), but the proportion of women differs according to the profession (chart 05.03). They are especially well represented among ASS personnel (83%) and account for 69% of library personnel and 55% of ITRF.
The average age of staff is around 47. ASS personnel are slightly older (47.6) than their ITRF (46.4) and library (45.7) counterparts (table 05.01).
Most non-teaching staff in higher education included within the scope (see opposite) have tenure. Those who are non-tenured work almost exclusively in the ASS branch. Around 7% of staff have a part-time job. This proportion varies according to the position held and the management category. It is therefore more common among ASS staff (16.9%) than ITRF (3%) or library personnel (7.8%). Part-time work is also more frequent among category C staff in ASS sectors.
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Key figures
non-teaching staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF)
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
administrative, social and healthcare staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
library staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
05.01 Administrative, technical and support staff in 2015-16 (paid from the 'Higher education courses and university research' and 'Student life' budgets)
1 Managing directors and directors of central administration.
2 without DIEO for the part-time calculation.
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05.02 Non-teaching staff - Distribution by type of staff in 2015-16 (%)
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05.03 Proportion of women in main bodies of non-teaching staff in 2015-16 (%)
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05 - les personnels non-enseignants de l’enseignement supérieur public sous tutelle du MENESR - Danielle Prouteau