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A5 socio-economic objectives selected to assess expenditure on environmental research and development

phase 1
phase 2
phase 3
objective: Environmental R&D -Monitoring and protecting the global environment:
-Monitoring and protecting the atmosphere and climate;
-Other measures for monitoring and protecting water, soil and subsoil, noise and all other pollution-related elements, including R&D in clean technologies and products

objective: Exploration and exploitation of the earth and sea:
-Production from and exploitation of the sea (excluding living resources and research into marine pollution): physical, chemical and biological marine research
-Other programmes exploring and exploiting the earth: mineral, oil and gas prospecting; exploration and exploitation of submerged plateaus and the earth's crust and mantle; hydrology; general research into the atmosphere (excluding atmospheric pollution); and other research relating to the exploration and exploitation of the earth

objective: Natural environments:
-Earth, sea, atmosphere, space
objective: Production, distribution and the rational use of energy (excluding the production and distribution of energy):
-Fossil fuels and by-products, nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, management of radioactive waste (including decommissioning of nuclear power plants), renewable energy sources and other research relating to the production, distribution and rational use of energy
objective: Ground and water transportation industries and air transportation industries (excluding space)


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