This tenth edition is more than ever a reference tool for all those involved in higher education and research as well as for everyone who aspires to greater knowledge and understanding of what characterises the world of learning and knowledge - the source of the growth and development of our country.
The submission of the higher education and research white paper at end January 2017 is testimony to France’s strong commitment to building its future and hoisting itself to the highest echelons, plotting ambitious targets for the next ten years.
These precise figures, a fully independent product of official statistics, can be used to clarify, guide and evaluate public and private research and education choices. Common, shared comprehension of the state of our higher education and research system is essential in this respect, one founded on rich, enlightening indicators that are monitored year on year and, for the most significant, compared with the same indicators for neighbouring countries.
The state of higher education and research has expanded considerably in ten years and now holds some fifty themed pages, including on systems which have seen the light of day or been particularly important in the recent period: APB (Post-Bac Admission) portal, research tax credit and systems to encourage young innovative companies. It has also moved to modernise and enjoys efficient features brought by digital applications, with simple access to texts, illustrations and data, and content that is extremely easy to reuse.
We once more extend our thanks this year to each and every contributor to this tenth edition and hope that all our readers and users will find renewed interest in it.

Najat Vallaud-Belkacem
Thierry Mandon