Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures


 Coverage:Whole of France.

The digital economy here means information and communication technologies (ICT). The OECD defines the branches of activity belonging to ITC. They correspond to the following branches of activity as classified by NAF Rev. 2:

ICT manufacturing activities

- 261 Manufacture of components and electronic boards

- 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment

- 263 Manufacture of communication equipment

- 264 Manufacture of consumer electronic products

- 268 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media

ICT sales activities

- 465 Wholesale trade in information and communication equipment

ICT service activities

- 582 Software publishing

- 611 Wired telecommunications

- 612 Wireless telecommunications

- 613 Satellite telecommunications

- 619 Other telecommunications activities

- 620 Programming, consultancy and other IT activities

- 631 Data processing, hosting and related activities - Internet portals

- 951 Repair of computers and communication equipment

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43 R&D activities in the digital sector

Intramural expenditure on research and development by business enterprises on information and communication technology (ICT) amounted to €6.4 billion in 2014, i.e. 21% of all business intramural expenditure on R&D. There were 60,416 full-time equivalent employees in ICT research branches, of which 82% were researchers or R&D engineers. Government institutions provided much more limited support for R&D efforts in ICT.

In France in 2014, a quarter of all companies active in R&D carried out R&D in an ICT branch and spent €6.4 billion on intramural R&D expenditure for that branch (table 43.01). ICT production activities accounted for €2.4 billion of intramural R&D expenditure (BERD), a large part of which came from the manufacture of components, electronic boards, computers and peripheral equipment (€1.4 billion) and the manufacture of communication equipment (€1.0 billion). In addition, intramural R&D expenditure on ICT service activities came to €4.0 billion, €2.1 billion of which went on computer programming, consultancy, data processing, hosting and related activities, €1.0 billion on software publishing and €0.9 billion on telecommunications (chart 43.02).

Companies carrying out ICT R&D accounted for 21% of total intramural R&D expenditure, and received an equal proportion of public funding (excluding tax or social security reduction schemes). They cooperated less frequently with other research partners than other R&D companies: 25% outsourced research work to dedicated State institutions or businesses, compared to 38% of all R&D companies (table 43.01). They outsourced €1.0 billion of research work or 8% of total extramural expenditure on R&D.

Companies carrying out ICT R&D employed 60,416 R&D full-time equivalent personnel (FTE), 82% of which are researchers or R&D engineers. The proportion of researchers or engineers in R&D personnel is higher in ICT companies than in all R&D companies (65%). In addition, ICT companies active in R&D employ a large proportion of their personnel in R&D activities. Their R&D personnel in fact represent 18% of their employees, compared to only 8% for all R&D companies.

Companies with fewer than 250 employees represent a significant share of ICT R&D companies: they account for 37% of the BERD and employ 44% of R&D personnel in ICT companies. Out of all companies, those with fewer than 250 employees only account for a quarter of BERD and employ 31% of R&D personnel (chart 43.03 and chart 43.04).

In 2014, the French government spent around €270 million on intramural R&D expenditure in the communication industries, which covers telecommunications, electronics, computers and software. A fraction of the intramural R&D expenditure on engineering sciences, also amounting to around €280 million, must be added to this amount. This field, which includes IT, also covers electronics, automation, electrotechnics and optics.


 Coverage:Whole of France.

How to cite this paper :

MONTENACHE Stéphane, SCHWEITZER Camille. R&D activities in the digital sector. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 49 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2017. 10th ed. Chapter 43 [Accessed 01/22/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-152033-2.


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The digital economy here means information and communication technologies (ICT). The OECD defines the branches of activity belonging to ITC. They correspond to the following branches of activity as classified by NAF Rev. 2:

ICT manufacturing activities

- 261 Manufacture of components and electronic boards

- 262 Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment

- 263 Manufacture of communication equipment

- 264 Manufacture of consumer electronic products

- 268 Manufacture of magnetic and optical media

ICT sales activities

- 465 Wholesale trade in information and communication equipment

ICT service activities

- 582 Software publishing

- 611 Wired telecommunications

- 612 Wireless telecommunications

- 613 Satellite telecommunications

- 619 Other telecommunications activities

- 620 Programming, consultancy and other IT activities

- 631 Data processing, hosting and related activities - Internet portals

- 951 Repair of computers and communication equipment


Key figures

Gross domestic expenditure by firms of ICT branch
6.4 bn
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "43. R&D activities in the digital sector".

Total R&D staff of firms in ICT branch
60,416 People
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "43. R&D activities in the digital sector".

Coverage: Full time equivalent (FTE)

43.01 Business enterprise R&D in information and communication technologies in 2014

R&D companies in the ICT sector All R&D companies
Intramural expenditure on R&D (intramural GERD, €M) 6,427 31,133
R&D intensity (GERD as a % of turnover) 5.1 2.6
Extramural expenditure on R&D (extramural GERD, €M) 1,038 12,719
Proportion of companies with extramural GERD>0 (%) 24.6 38.4
Direct public funding for R&D (€M) 548 2,549
Total number of R&D personnel (FTE) 60,416 248,041
Number of researchers and R&D engineers (FTE) 49,657 161,769
Proportion of researchers in all research personnel (FTE, %) 82.2 65.2
R&D intensity (R&D personnel as a headcount / personnel employed in %) 17.8 8.4

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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43.02 Intramural R&D expenditure on information and communication technology by research branch in 2014 (%, €bn)

Manufacture of electronic components and boards, computers and peripheral equipment
Manufacture of communication equipment
Software publishing
Programming, consultancy and other activities; Data processing, hosting, related activities
 Coverage: Whole of France.

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43.03 Breakdown of intramural GERD in ICT and in all R&D companies, by numbers of employees, in 2014 (%, €M)

ICT branches
All R&D companies
Fewer than 250 employees
250-499 employees
500-999 employees
1,000 to 4,999 employees
5,000 employees and more
 Coverage: Whole of France.

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43.04 Breakdown of R&D personnel in ICT and in all R&D companies, by number of employees, in 2014 (%, FTE)

ICT branches
All R&D companies
Fewer than 250 employees
250-499 employees
500-999 employees
1,000 to 4,999 employees
5,000 employees and more
 Coverage: Whole of France.

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44 - R&D activities in the digital sector - Stéphane Montenache & Anna Testas
Intramural expenditure on research and development by business enterprises on information and communication technology (ICT) amounted to €6.4 billion in 2013, i.e. 21% of all business intramural expenditure on R&D. There were 60,740 full-time equivalent employees in ICT research branches, of which 82% were researchers or R&D engineers. Government institutions provided much more limited support for R&D efforts in ICT [Consult the following page]


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Les dépenses intérieures de recherche et développement des entreprises dans les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) s’élèvent à 6,4 Md€ en 2014, soit 21 % de l’ensemble des dépenses intérieures de R&D des entreprises. On compte 60 416 personnels en équivalents temps plein employés dans des branches de recherche appartenant aux TIC, dont 82 % de chercheurs ou ingénieurs de R&D. Les administrations concourent de manière beaucoup plus limitée à l’effort de R&D en TIC [Consult the following page in french]

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