Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

Les informations de la base de données bibliographiques utilisée sont construites à partir du Web of Science de Clarivate Analytics (ex-division « IP & Science » de Thomson Reuters ). The field of medical research has been built up by consolidating two fields of education - fundamental biology and medical research.

A scientific publication is generally produced through collaboration between researchers and therefore has several institutional addresses from different countries. The contribution of each country to the publication is considered here by counting 1/N for each address, with N the number of addresses in the different countries.

A country’s publications are those for which at least one of the authors is located in this country.

A country’s worldwide share of publications is the ratio between the number of publications produced by a country and the number of publications produced worldwide.

A country’s impact index is the ratio between its share of worldwide citations after two years and its worldwide share of publications. The impact index is standardised per specific subject area to take account of the disciplinary structure of each country.

A country’s specialisation index in a field of education is the ratio between its worldwide share of publications in this field of education and its share in all fields of education.

France’s share of international co-publications with a country is the ratio between the number of co-publications by France and this country and the total number of France’s international co-publications, using a full count. Conversely, the share of international co-publications of France’s partner country is defined as the ratio between the number of the country's co-publications with France and the total number of this partner’s international co-publications.

The robustness of indicators is boosted by calculating them as a smoothed annual average over three years (the value for 2015 is the average of the 2013, 2014 and 2015 values).

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48 France's worldwide position in biomedical research through its scientific publications

In 2015, nearly 75% of biomedical research publications were produced by the European Union, the United States and China. France, which is less specialised in biomedical research than the United States or some European countries, is ranked seventh with twenty thousand articles, i.e. 3.4% of worldwide publications. It is ranked eighth in terms of citations received, but has a higher impact index than the global average.

In 2015, the European Union produced 31% of worldwide scientific publications on biomedical research, covering various fields in fundamental biology and medical research. The European Union has thus outstripped the United States, which is the leading producer country with 26%, followed by China with 11% (chart 48.01). Japan accounts for 5% of publications.

The leading European producers are the United Kingdom (5.5%), Germany (5.2%) and Italy (3.9%); all three specialise in biomedical research (see methodology section for the definition of the specialisation index and chart 48.02). France (3.4%) comes next with a lesser specialisation. The impact of the European Union publications (ratio between the share of citations and the share of publications) is higher than the global average but lower than publications by the United States and Switzerland (chart 48.02). Within the European Union, the United Kingdom and Netherlands are both specialised and produce high-impact publications.

France’s scientific output for biomedical research has increased by 17% over the last decade, with twenty thousand articles listed in the WoS database in 2015. France's share within the European Union has held at around 11% since 2005, but its worldwide share is in decline. The number of citations received by French publications increased between 2005 and 2015, but the French share of these citations fell slightly. France’s impact index is therefore showing an improvement, rising from 0.89 in 2005 to 1.06 in 2015. Changes in the share and impact index could be explained by the huge increase in the number of publications from countries such as China, whose impact index remains low.

In terms of subject areas, France specialises in microbiology and immunology, reproduction and developmental biology and cardiology and pulmonology. France's specialisation is increasing in reproduction and developmental biology and in bioengineering as well as, to a lesser extent, in neurosciences and behavioural sciences. It still does not specialise in biotechnology and genetics, pharmacy and toxicology or public health (table 48.04). France's impact index for all subject areas is around the global average (between 0.8 and 1.1).

One French publication on biomedical research in two has at least one foreign author. In this field, France mainly co-publishes with its traditional, more specialised partners, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Switzerland. The United States, United Kingdom and Germany are more important partners for France than France is for them (chart 48.03). Conversely, France is a more important partner for Belgium, Switzerland and Spain. Co-publications with Spain, which is now the fifth-ranked partner for France, have virtually doubled in ten years. Lastly, France’s co-publications on biomedical research with China have virtually tripled over the decade (chart 48.03).

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DE LA LAURENCIE Aouatif, LAVILLE Françoise, SACHWALD Frédérique. France's worldwide position in biomedical research through its scientific publications. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 49 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2017. 10th ed. Chapter 48 [Accessed 01/16/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-152033-2.


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Les informations de la base de données bibliographiques utilisée sont construites à partir du Web of Science de Clarivate Analytics (ex-division « IP & Science » de Thomson Reuters ). The field of medical research has been built up by consolidating two fields of education - fundamental biology and medical research.

A scientific publication is generally produced through collaboration between researchers and therefore has several institutional addresses from different countries. The contribution of each country to the publication is considered here by counting 1/N for each address, with N the number of addresses in the different countries.

A country’s publications are those for which at least one of the authors is located in this country.

A country’s worldwide share of publications is the ratio between the number of publications produced by a country and the number of publications produced worldwide.

A country’s impact index is the ratio between its share of worldwide citations after two years and its worldwide share of publications. The impact index is standardised per specific subject area to take account of the disciplinary structure of each country.

A country’s specialisation index in a field of education is the ratio between its worldwide share of publications in this field of education and its share in all fields of education.

France’s share of international co-publications with a country is the ratio between the number of co-publications by France and this country and the total number of France’s international co-publications, using a full count. Conversely, the share of international co-publications of France’s partner country is defined as the ratio between the number of the country's co-publications with France and the total number of this partner’s international co-publications.

The robustness of indicators is boosted by calculating them as a smoothed annual average over three years (the value for 2015 is the average of the 2013, 2014 and 2015 values).


Key figures

France's world ranking of France in Biomedical research (publications)
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France's number of scientific publications in Biomedical research
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
France's world share of publications in Pharmacy, toxicology
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Microbiology and virology, immunology
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Extract from the chapter "48. France's worldwide position in biomedical research through its scientific publications".

Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Reproductive and developmental biology
+ 4%
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
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Change in France's world share of publications in Cardiology, pneumology
- 24%
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Bioengineering
- 4%
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Surgery, gastro-enterology, urology
- 19%
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France's world share of publications in Other medical areas
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
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Change in France's world share of publications in Endocrinology
- 29%
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Extract from the chapter "48. France's worldwide position in biomedical research through its scientific publications".

Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Pharmacy, toxicology
- 30%
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Extract from the chapter "48. France's worldwide position in biomedical research through its scientific publications".

Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Biotechnology, genetics
- 34%
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Neurosciences, behavioral sciences
- 17%
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Change in France's world share of publications in Biochemistry
- 28%
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science
Change in France's world share of publications in Oncology
- 21%
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France's world share of publications in Biochemistry
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France's world share of publications in Reproductive and developmental biology
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France's world share of publications in Biomedical research
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France's world share of publications in Endocrinology
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France's world share of publications in Neurosciences, behavioral sciences
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France's world share of publications in Oncology
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France's world share of publications in Surgery, gastro-enterology, urology
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France's world share of publications in Bioengineering
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France's world share of publications in Cardiology, pneumology
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France's world share of publications in Microbiology and virology, immunology
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France's world share of publications in Biotechnology, genetics
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Source: OST from HCERES, special tabulations of Clarivate Analytics , Web of Science

48.01 Number of publications in biomedical research by the top producing countries (2005, 2010 and 2015)

European Union
United States
South Korea
Other countries

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48.02 Specialisation factor and impact index by the top producing countries in biomedical research in 2015

European Union
North America

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48.03 International co-publications in biomedical research with the top ten partner countries of France (2015)

United States
United Kingdom
Share of France's partner's countries international co-publications with France
Share of France's international co-publications with its major partner countries

4,2% of French international co-publication include at least one chinese partner (Share of France's international co-publications with its major partner countries). 3,3% of chinese international co-publication include at least one french partner (Share of France's partner's countries international co-publications with France)


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48.04 World share, specialisation factor and impact index by subject areas within biomedical research in 2015

World share (%) Specialisation factor Impact index
2015 Change
2015 Change
2015 Change
Microbiology and virology, immunology 4.6 -18 1.41 +8 1.07 +24
Reproductive and developmental biology 4.1 +4 1.26 +38 0.94 -10
Cardiology, pneumology 3.9 -24 1.18 +1 1.09 +22
Bioengineering 3.8 -4 1.14 +28 0.84 +5
Surgery, gastro-enterology, urology 3.6 -19 1.09 +8 1.14 +20
Oncology 3.4 -21 1.04 +5 1.07 +32
Neurosciences, behavioral sciences 3.3 -17 1.02 +11 0.96 +13
Biochemistry 3.3 -28 1.00 -4 1.12 +19
Endocrinology 3.2 -29 0.98 -6 1.00 +17
Biotechnology, genétics 3.1 -34 0.93 -12 1.13 +23
Other medical areas 3.0 -34 0.91 -12 1.08 +51
Pharmacy, toxicology 2.7 -30 0.81 -7 1.06 +10
Public health and others 2.5 -35 0.77 -14 0.96 +37


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