Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures


 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

The results presented here come from the seventh survey on occupational integration of university graduates, carried out by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) and the French public universities in mainland France and the overseas departments (with the exception of Paris-Dauphine).

This survey of 100,000 young people who graduated in 2013 with a Master’s degree, vocational Bachelor degree or a DUT qualification relates to their situation with respect to the labour market eighteen and thirty months after leaving university.

The information was collected by the universities as part of a charter aiming to guarantee comparability of results between institutions. The Ministry was responsible for coordinating the work and using the survey data.

The scope of interrogation covers graduates of French nationality, who have left initial education and have not continued or resumed their studies within two years of graduating. The graduates meeting these conditions represent respectively 38%, 45%, 51% and 9% of all Master's (excluding Teaching Master), Teaching Master’s, vocational Bachelor degree and DUT graduates.

The salaries shown correspond to the median values for full-time employment and relate to the net monthly salary, including bonuses. Master’s marked using the LMD (Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate) convention are non-Teaching Master’s.

The results obtained by this source cannot be compared directly with those obtained by the Céreq Generation 2010 survey, as the population was not the same in terms of nationality or date of graduation.

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22 occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)

Around 9 out of 10 students who graduated with Master's degrees, vocational Bachelor's degrees (LP) and University technology diplomas (DUT) in 2013 were in employment in December 2014, some 30 months after leaving university. After 18 months, the integration process was already well advanced. Over 85% of LMD Master's graduates were in employment. However, the employment conditions differ according to the subject studied.

Among university graduates in 2013 who entered the workforce, the employment rate eighteen months after leaving university reached 81% for DUT qualifications, 85% for those in a disciplinary Master’s programme and 88% for vocational Bachelor degree graduates (chart 22.01a).

The employment rate at thirty months after graduating was slightly higher than the previous year for the disciplinary Master's, teaching Master’s (+1 point) and DUT (+2 points) graduates. It remained stable for the vocational Bachelor degree graduates (92%).

A large majority of graduates are in stable employment 2 thirty months after leaving university, with significant differences depending on the qualification: 78% for vocational Bachelor degree graduates, 73% for Master's graduates and 69% for DUT graduates (chart 22.02a).

For all qualifications, the jobs occupied are very largely full time (over 90%). The jobs obtained are of a good level: 85% managers or intermediate professions for Master's graduates, 71% for vocational Bachelor's degree graduates and 57% for DUT graduates (chart 22.02a).

The median net monthly salary of graduates in full-time employment increased from 5% to 7% between eighteen and thirty months after graduation (table 22.03). At thirty months, it reached €1,900 for Master's graduates. Salaries are much lower for vocational Bachelor degree graduates (€1,600) and DUT graduates (€1,500). All are stable compared with the salaries of the 2012 graduates.

Six out of ten Master's graduates work in a private company, two in the public sector and one in an association (chart 22.04a). The share of recruitment in the private sector is higher for the DUT (79%) and vocational Bachelor degree (85%) graduates.

'Master of Education' courses designed to prepare students for the competitive entrance examinations for entering the teaching profession have very specific occupational integration, with an employment rate of 97% and good employment conditions after 18 months. They mainly work in the public sector (92%) but their salaries are lower than for other Master's graduates.

For the same qualification, the employment rate varies slightly per field of education. In particular, more than 90% of disciplinary Master's graduates in Law, Economics and Management (LEM) and Science, Technology and Healthcare (STH) are in employment thirty months after graduating, compared with graduates in Human and Social Sciences (HSS) (86%) and Humanities, Languages and Arts (HLA) (87%) (chart 22.01b).

Similarly, as in previous years, LEM and STH graduates enjoy more favourable employment conditions than their HSS and HLA counterparts (chart 22.02b). They often obtain more stable, full-time contracts, and their net median monthly salaries are 20% higher. Nine out of ten STS graduates obtain managerial or intermediate professional jobs compared with 74% to 84% for the other fields of education. The larger share of public or charity sector jobs obtained by HSS and HLA graduates partly explains these pay differences (chart 22.04b).

 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

1 Number of graduates in employment out of all graduates present in the job market.
2 In employment on a permanent contract, as a civil servant or a self-employed worker.

How to cite this paper :

. Occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP). In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 49 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2017. 10th ed. Chapter 22 [Accessed 03/30/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-152033-2.


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The results presented here come from the seventh survey on occupational integration of university graduates, carried out by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) and the French public universities in mainland France and the overseas departments (with the exception of Paris-Dauphine).

This survey of 100,000 young people who graduated in 2013 with a Master’s degree, vocational Bachelor degree or a DUT qualification relates to their situation with respect to the labour market eighteen and thirty months after leaving university.

The information was collected by the universities as part of a charter aiming to guarantee comparability of results between institutions. The Ministry was responsible for coordinating the work and using the survey data.

The scope of interrogation covers graduates of French nationality, who have left initial education and have not continued or resumed their studies within two years of graduating. The graduates meeting these conditions represent respectively 38%, 45%, 51% and 9% of all Master's (excluding Teaching Master), Teaching Master’s, vocational Bachelor degree and DUT graduates.

The salaries shown correspond to the median values for full-time employment and relate to the net monthly salary, including bonuses. Master’s marked using the LMD (Bachelor’s-Master’s-Doctorate) convention are non-Teaching Master’s.

The results obtained by this source cannot be compared directly with those obtained by the Céreq Generation 2010 survey, as the population was not the same in terms of nationality or date of graduation.


Key figures

Share of jobs at manager or intermediate occupation level for Master's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Rate of occupational integration of Master's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Rate of occupational integration of Master's in teaching graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Share of jobs at manager or intermediate occupation level for Vocational bachelor's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
  See more key figures  
Rate of occupational integration of University technology diploma (DUT) graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Share of jobs at manager or intermediate occupation level for University technology diploma (DUT) graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Rate of occupational integration of Vocational bachelor's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Share of stable jobs for Master's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
  See more key figures  
Share of stable jobs for Vocational bachelor's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Share of stable jobs for University technology diploma (DUT) graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Share of jobs at manager or intermediate occupation level for Master's in teaching graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Median net monthly wage for full-time jobs of Masters in teaching graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
  See more key figures  
Median net monthly wage for full-time jobs of Master's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Median net monthly wage for full-time jobs of Vocational bachelor's degree graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma
Median net monthly wage for full-time jobs of University technology diploma (DUT) graduates
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "22. occupational integration of university graduates (Master's, DUT, LP)".

Coverage: 30 months after obtaining their diploma

22.01a Occupational integration at 18 and 30 months of 2013 University technology diploma (DUT), vocational Bachelor's and Master's graduates (%)

Vocational Bachelor's degree
Teaching Master's
Subject Master's (excluding Master of Education, all disciplines)
Employment rate 18 months after graduating
Employment rate 30 months after graduating
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.01b Occupational integration at 18 and 30 months of 2013 Master's graduates (excluding Teaching Master's) by discipline (%)

Subject Master's (excluding teaching, all disciplines)
Law, Economics and Management (LEM)
Humanities, Languages and Arts (HLA)
Human and Social Sciences (HSS)
Science, Technology and Health (STH)
Employment rate 18 months after graduating
Employment rate 30 months after graduating
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.02a Employment conditions of 2013 University technology diploma (DUT), vocational Bachelor's and Master's degree graduates, 30 months after graduating (%)

Proportion of graduates in stable employment (as a %)
Proportion of graduates in full-time posts (as a %)
Proportion of graduates working as managers or technicians and associated professionals (as a %)
Vocational Bachelor's degree
Master of Education
Subject Master's (excluding Master of Education, all disciplines)
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.02b Employment conditions of 2013 Master's graduates (excluding Teaching Master's) 30 months after graduating (%)

Proportion of graduates in stable employment (as a %)
Proportion of graduates in full-time posts (as a %)
Proportion of graduates working as managers or technicians and associated professionals (as a %)
Subject Master's (excluding Master of Education, all disciplines)
Law, Economics and Management (LEM)
Humanities, Languages and Arts (HLA)
Human and Social Sciences (HSS)
Science, Technology and Health (STH)
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.03 Net monthly median salary at 18 and 30 months for 2013 Master's vocational Bachelor's and DUT graduates in full-time employment (€)

Net median monthly salary (€)
at 18 months at 30 months
DUT 1,430 1,500
Vocational Bachelor's degree 1,500 1,600
Master of education 1,700 1,730
Subject Master's (excluding Master of education, all disciplines) 1,800 1,900
Law, Economics and Management (LEM) 1,850 2,000
Humanities, Languages and Arts (HLA) 1,600 1,680
Human and Social Sciences (HSS) 1,590 1,670
Science, Technology and Health (STH) 1,900 2,000

 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.04a Breakdown per type of employer of 2013 DUT, vocational Bachelor's and Master's degree graduates in employment 30 months after graduating (as a %)

Vocational Bachelor's degree
Master of Education
Subject Master's (excluding Master of Education, all disciplines)
Civil service
State-owned enterprise
Private enterprise
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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22.04b Breakdown per type of employer of 2013 Master's graduates (excluding Master of Education) in employment 30 months after graduating (in %)

Subject Master's (excluding Master of Education, all disciplines)
Law, Economics and Management (LEM)
Humanities, Languages and Arts (HLA)
Human and Social Sciences (HSS)
Science, Technology and Health (STH)
Civil service
State-owned enterprise
Private enterprise
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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En 2013, 107 000 étudiant.e.s ont été diplômé.e.s de master à l’université. Parmi celles et ceux entré.e.s dans la vie active dans les 30 mois suivant la validation du diplôme, 9 sur 10 sont en emploi. L’insertion professionnelle est un processus au cours duquel les conditions et la qualité de l’emploi s’améliorent progressivement.

Alors que le taux de chômage des jeunes de 15 à 24 ans atteint 24,5 % (4ème trimestre 2015, enquête Emploi, INSEE) les diplômes universitaires, en particulier le master, restent une protection efficace face au chômage. Les conditions d’emploi et les caractéristiques des emplois occupés en début de carrière par les jeunes diplômé.e.s de master diffèrent nettement selon la spécialisation disciplinaire.
 Note flash SIES 20 - L’insertion professionnelle des diplômé.e.s de DUT reste stable et leurs conditions d’emploi s’améliorent - Louis-Alexandre Erb - December 2016
En 2013, 46 000 étudiant.e.s ont été diplômé.e.s de DUT au sein des universités. 89 % ont poursuivi ou repris des études dans les 30 mois suivants. Parmi celles et ceux entré.e.s dans la vie active, 9 sur 10 sont en emploi 30 mois après l’obtention de leur diplôme.

L’insertion professionnelle des diplômés de DUT est progressive, avec une amélioration de 9 points par rapport à la situation à 18 mois.
 Note flash SIES 19 - Dès 18 mois après la fin des études, près de 9 diplômé.e.s de licence professionnelle sur 10 sont en emploi - Louis-Alexandre Erb - December 2016
En 2013, 47 000 étudiant.e.s ont été diplômé.e.s de licence professionnelle (LP) au sein des universités, 29 % ont poursuivi ou repris des études dans les 30 mois suivants. Parmi celles et ceux à être entré.e.s dans la vie active, 88 % sont en emploi 18 mois après l’obtention de leur diplôme et 92 % encore un an plus tard.
 Note d'information SIES 16.06 - Male/female inequalities in professional integration of Masters graduates - Louis-Alexandre Erb - September 2016
On leaving university, there are more female than male Masters graduates. The professional integration rate, 30 months after graduating, is similar between men and women. However, women experience less favourable employment conditions than their male counterparts.

These differences are primarily due to the subject of the Master’s degree. In disciplines in which the number of women is the highest, opportunities in the employment market are less favourable. However, in disciplines with fewer women, professional inequalities are significant. In addition, regardless of the discipline, career paths diverge, with more women in employment in the non-profit and public sectors, where pay is usually lower and contracts less stable.

For a given discipline, type of employer and sector of activity, inequalities persist, above all with regard to pay, in which the residual difference is the largest, representing two-thirds of the differences noted.

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Etat de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rechercheHigher education & research in France, facts and figures 8th edition - November 2015
21 - occupational integration of university graduates - Isabelle Maetz
Around 9 out of 10 students who graduated with Master's degrees, LPs and DUTs in 2011 were in employment in December 2013, some 30 months after entering working life. 90% of the positions held were full-time posts. The median net monthly wage for full-time positions was €1,910 for Master's graduates. This outcome was accompanied by a slight increase in the number of students continuing their studies after passing their degree [Consult the following page]


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