Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

📄 Sources:MENESR-DEPP.

 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

The non-teaching staff listed in the payroll file are staff who are active and are paid from the 'Higher education courses and university research' (Formations supérieures et recherche universitaire - Programme 150) and 'Student life' (Vie étudiante - Programme 231) budgets in higher education institutions. Non-teaching staff working in autonomous institutions applying the provisions of the Law on University Freedoms and Responsibilities (Loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités - LRU) are also taken into account. Based on their institution number, staff have been extracted from human resources databases: the AGORA directory for administrative, technical, health and social personnel, POPPEE-ITRF for engineers and technical staff for research and training and POPPEE-BIB for library personnel. Museum staff, and those working in 'Youth and Sports' and 'Research' are excluded from the scope of the survey, as are staff of the French Regional Student Services Agency (Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires - CROUS), as well as all those paid from the budgets of the institutions. The totals given therefore differ from those appearing in the social audit for 2013-14 part II – MENESR.

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05 non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research

This page has been updated. Read 05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsability of the french ministry of education, higher education and research in Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition - June 2017

In 2013-2014, 54,700 non-teaching staff fulfilled administrative, technical or support functions in public higher education institutions.

In the academic year 2013-14, 54,700 staff carried out administrative, technical or support functions in public higher education institutions, including autonomous institutions, representing almost half of all staff working in higher education. This number was 3% down on 2010. Numbers of administrative, health and social personnel (Administratifs, sociaux et de santé - ASS) have fallen by almost a fifth since this date.

The number of engineers and technical staff for research and training (Ingénieurs et personnels techniques de recherche et formation - ITRF) has increased by 7.5% since 2010. This rise is mainly due to the increase in category A and B posts (respectively 14% and 15.9%). Staff numbers in the category C have decreased over the same period (-1%). The number of library staff has increased slightly since 2010.

In 2013-14, ITRF personnel made up the majority of non-teaching staff (66%). ASS personnel represented a more than a quarter and fewer than one person in ten was a member of library staff.

Irrespective of the profession, category C employees make up the largest proportion. They represent 53% of ASS, 42% of ITRF and 40% of library staff. Category A employees represent about one third of ITRF and library personnel, and only 18% of ASS. One quarter of ITRF and ASS staff are category B employees. This percentage is a little higher for library personnel (30%).

The staff are predominantly female (63%) but the proportion of women differs according to the profession. They are especially well represented among ASS personnel (84%), and represent 70% of library personnel and 54% of ITRF.

The average age of these employees is around 46. ASS personnel are a little older (47 years) than their ITRF counterparts (45.9 years) and library staff (45.1 years).

Most non-teaching staff in higher education included within the scope of this study (see opposite) have tenure. Those who are non-tenured work almost exclusively in the ASS branch. About 8% of personnel work part-time. This proportion varies according to the positions held and the category in the hierarchy. It is therefore more frequent among ASS personnel (19%) than ITRF (4%) or library staff (7%). There are also more part-time staff among category C employees in the ASS and ITRF branches than among staff in the other categories.

📄 Sources:MENESR-DEPP.
 Coverage:Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

How to cite this paper :

PROUTEAU Danielle. Non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 49 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2015. 8th ed. Chapter 05, 20-21 [Accessed 02/07/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-139433-9.


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The non-teaching staff listed in the payroll file are staff who are active and are paid from the 'Higher education courses and university research' (Formations supérieures et recherche universitaire - Programme 150) and 'Student life' (Vie étudiante - Programme 231) budgets in higher education institutions. Non-teaching staff working in autonomous institutions applying the provisions of the Law on University Freedoms and Responsibilities (Loi relative aux libertés et responsabilités des universités - LRU) are also taken into account. Based on their institution number, staff have been extracted from human resources databases: the AGORA directory for administrative, technical, health and social personnel, POPPEE-ITRF for engineers and technical staff for research and training and POPPEE-BIB for library personnel. Museum staff, and those working in 'Youth and Sports' and 'Research' are excluded from the scope of the survey, as are staff of the French Regional Student Services Agency (Centre régional des œuvres universitaires et scolaires - CROUS), as well as all those paid from the budgets of the institutions. The totals given therefore differ from those appearing in the social audit for 2013-14 part II – MENESR.


Key figures

Numbers of non-teaching staff
 non-teaching staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Number of engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF)
 Engineers and technical staff for research and training (ITRF)
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Number of administrative, health and social personnel (ASS)
 administrative, social and healthcare staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
Number of library staff
 library staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)
  See one more key figure  
Share of women in non-teaching staff
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
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Extract from the chapter "05. non-teaching staff in public higher education under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research".

Coverage: higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR)

05.01 Administrative, technical and support staff in 2013-14 (paid from the 'Higher education courses and university research' and 'Student life' budgets).

Number of staff Average age Share of women (%) Share of part-time (%)
Engineers, technical staff for research and training (ITRF) Category A Research engineers 2,160 47.9 35.9 1.3
Design engineers 6,474 44.5 50.9 2.3
Assistant engineers 3,090 43.5 47.6 1.3
Total category A 11,724 44.9 47.3 1.9
Category B Research technicians 9,119 45.6 53.4 3.2
Category C Technical assistants 15,335 46.8 58.3 5.5
Total technical staff 36,178 45.9 53.5 3.8
Administrative, health and social (ASS) staff Category A Educational and civil administrators 137 50.3 57.7 0.0
Managing directors and central admin. directors 2 92 51.4 29.3 0.0
University councillors and accountants 40 52.5 47.5 0.0
State administration attachés 1,856 47.7 67.8 8.5
Nurses 270 51.1 95.9 35.9
Other category A bodies 66 47.8 54.5 9.1
Total category A 2,461 48.4 68.2 10.6
Category B Administration secretaries 3,386 46.8 85.4 17.6
Social service assistants & nurses 75 47.4 100.0 32.0
Total category B 3,461 46.8 85.7 17.9
Category C Administrative assistants 7,403 47.2 90.5 22.8
Technical assistants in teaching institutions 112 50.5 40.2 3.6
Total category C 7,515 47.3 89.8 22.5
Tenured 13,437 47.4 84.8 19.1
Non-tenured 590 38.5 56.1 9.5
Total ASS 14,027 47.0 83.6 18.7
Libraries Category A Library custodians 862 45.8 69.4 4.2
Librarians 492 45.2 77.6 4.3
Total category A 1,354 45.5 72.4 4.2
Category B Library assistants  and technicians 1,350 43.7 77.0 8.7
Category C Warehouse keepers 1,790 45.9 62.0 7.7
Total libraries 4,494 45.1 69.6 7.0
Management, inspection, education, careers guidance (DIEO) Category A Inspectors 7 56.1 28.6 0.0
Category A teachers 20 49.0 50.0 10.0
Total DIEO 1 30 51.4 46.7 6.7
All staff 54,729 46.1 62.5 7.9
of which tenured 54,136 46.2 62.6 7.8
of which non-tenured 593 38.6 56.2 9.4

1 Including non-tenured staff.
2 Managing directors and directors of central administration.

 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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05.02 Non-teaching staff - Distribution by type of staff (%)

 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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05.03 Proportion of women among the main bodies of non-teaching staff in 2013-14 (%)

Managing directors
Research engineers
Assistant engineers
Design engineers
Contractual and temporary
Technical assistants
National and higher education administrators
Warehouse staff
Administration attachés
Library assistants
Administration secretaries
Administrative assistants
 Coverage: Metropolitan France + overseas departments (DOM).

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Related statistical publications

 Note d'information DGRH 16.01 - Les personnels enseignants de l'enseignement supérieur du ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche - 2013-2014 - Marc Bideault, Julien Thirion, Jérôme Tourbeaux - January 2016
Au cours de l'année universitaire 2013-2014, 92 300 enseignants sont en fonction dans les établissements publics d’enseignement supérieur. Parmi ces enseignants, 56 900 appartiennent aux corps des enseignants-chercheurs titulaires (y compris les corps à statuts spécifiques), 13 100 sont des enseignants du second degré et 22 300 sont des enseignants non permanents (hors chargés d’enseignement vacataires, agents temporaires vacataires et invités). Cet effectif s’est accru de 1,2% entre 2013 et 2014 (+0,7% pour les enseignants-chercheurs titulaires).
 Note d'information DEPP 14.35 - Les concours externes de personnels ingénieurs, administratifs, techniques, sociaux et de santé : des recrutements en baisse entre 2003 et 2013 - Catherine Valette - October 2014
Depuis une dizaine d’années, le ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche propose chaque année entre 2 000 et 3 000 postes de personnels administratifs, sociaux et de santé (ASS) ainsi que d’ingénieurs et de personnels techniques de recherche et de formation (ITRF), accessibles par concours externes. L’offre de postes diminue depuis la fin des années 2000 et atteint son minimum en 2013. Un poste offert correspond à plus de deux départs à la retraite dans la filière ASS, et à un peu moins de deux dans la filière ITRF en 2013.

Tous ces postes ne sont pas pourvus, et l’ampleur des pénuries est très différente selon les filières.

La filière administrative est épargnée par la crise du recrutement, contrairement à la filière médico-sociale : un tiers des postes au concours de médecin et 13 % à celui d’infi rmier ne sont pas pourvus en 2013. Les corps de catégorie A de la fi lière ITRF sont également parmi les plus défi citaires, de l’ordre de 13 à 16 % en 2013. Dans le même temps, les taux de candidature sont très variables. Globalement, ils deviennent plus favorables aux candidats, principalement dans les filières administratives (29 candidats présents pour un poste en 2013 contre 37 en 2003) et ITRF (24 contre 30). Dans la fi lière médico-sociale, un faible taux de candidature peut expliquer en partie les pénuries.

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