10 access to higher education
This page has been updated. Read 10. access to higher education in Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition - June 2017
Around 75% of Baccalaureate holders in 2014 immediately enrolled in higher education. Nearly two-thirds of general Bac holders enrolled at university, 7 points less than in 2000 but 2.7 points more than in 2012. Around one in two technological Bac holders enrolled on a short vocational course. More and more of those with a vocational Baccalaureate, whose numbers have increased substantially since the reform of the vocational path, enrolled in higher education.
Out of the 625,650 young people awarded the general, technological or vocational Baccalaureate in 2014, in mainland France and the overseas departments, 74.5% enrolled in higher education the following autumn (excluding work-study programmes, but including vocational Bac holders on an apprenticeship in Advanced technician's sections (STS)) (table 10.01). The significant increase in the number of vocational Bac holders in the 2014 session (+19.8%), who are less likely than other Bac holders to continue in higher education, has automatically led to a drop in the average enrolment rate (2.6 points less than in 2013). Although the proportion of vocational Bac holders who immediately enter higher education has increased for 13 years, it is now 35.2%, much lower than for other Bac holders. Nearly all general Bac holders immediately access higher education. 75.5% of technological Bac holders enter higher education after leaving school.
University is still the route taken by most general Bac holders. Despite a two-year increase, universities are attracting fewer students than 14 years ago. 65.8% of general Bac holders enrolled in university in 2014, compared to 73.0% in 2000 (see methodology) (chart 10.02). In autumn 2014, 18.1% of general Bac holders chose short vocational courses (IUT, STS) (stable compared to 2013). 13.1% of general Bac holders entered preparatory classes for admission to Grandes Ecoles (CPGE) (a rise of 0.6 points). Series S Bac holders were noticeable for the diversity of their choices. 64.9% of them enrolled on a university course (11.6% in IUT), 18.7% enrolled in preparatory classes and 12.2% on other training courses, in particular preparatory cycles for admission to engineering school.
Over a third of technological Bac holders moved into the STS branch, the most popular of all higher education courses for these students. This proportion has however decreased since the introduction of preferential student guidance that give priority to vocational bac holders to access to this route. Two years earlier, it was over 40%. By contrast, the proportion of technological Bac holders entering IUTs has increased since the introduction of the preferential guidance, and is now 11.4% (+0.4% compared to 2013), but is still moderate compared to those enrolling in an STS or other university courses. In effect, 20.5% of technological Bac holders enrol on long university courses (+1.1 points).
Over one quarter of vocational Bac holders (26.2%) enter STS, representing three quarters of those enrolled in higher education. 8.4% go to university, a rate that has been stable for 3 years. 2014 was marked by the completion of the vocational Bac reform and a significant increase in the number of vocational Bac holders. Their continuation rate in STS and other sectors fell (-3 points compared to 2013) although the number of these students in higher education was up on the previous year.
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Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
Metropolitan France + overseas departments
10.01 Change in enrolment rates in higher education 1 (%)
1 See definitions opposite.
2 formerly STI.
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10.02 Rate of immediate enrolment by 2014 baccalauréat holders in the different higher education study tracks (%)
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