Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures


 Coverage:Whole of France.

The data for France are obtained from annual surveys by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) on R&D expenditure. The survey covers 11,000 businesses (private and public) and government bodies (universities and other higher education institutions), public research bodies (State-owned scientific and technological establishments (EPST), State-owned industrial and commercial establishments (EPIC)) and other public institutions, government departments (including defence), university hospitals and comprehensive cancer centres, not-for-profit institutions (NPI)).

Research personnel includes researchers and ancillary research staff (according to the definitions in the|Frascati Manual||To the Frascati Manual on the OECD website|).

R&D researchers are specialists engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems. Also included are doctoral students with funding (including those with an Industrial Agreement for Training through Research (CIFRE)) and staff responsible for managing research teams.

Research ancillary staff include technicians who participate in R&D, carrying out scientific and technical tasks under the supervision of researchers, workers assigned to R&D work and staff working on administrative tasks linked with R&D work.

The numbers shown, as a headcount, corresponds to staff on 31 December of the year of reference, regardless of their share of R&D work.

The headcount data are not available for some OECD countries, such as Canada and the United States.

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37 gender equality in research

This page has been updated. Read 36. gender equality in research in Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition - June 2017

In 2013, women represented 30% of all research personnel, and a little over a quarter of researchers. Furthermore, 40% of government research personnel are women compared to 22% in business enterprises, a contrast that is not unique to France. The proportions differ according to the field of research, with the most women being present in medicine, chemistry and agronomy.

In 2013, 575,000 people in France were participating in R&D activities and of these research personnel, 30% were women (table 37.01). They were better represented in government (40%) (public bodies, higher education institutions and not-for-profit institutions) than in business enterprises (22%).

Proportionally fewer women work in researcher positions (26%) than as research ancillary staff (36% female). This contrast in female presence with regard to the qualifications of R&D personnel is greater in government than in business enterprises. In government, the proportion of women in ancillary roles is 50% compared to 35% for researchers, whereas these proportions are 27% and 20% respectively in businesses.

The male-female ratio varies according to the research field. The proportion of women is greater in medicine, chemistry and agronomy, natural outlets for their educational training, than in aerospace, automotive and digital technologies. In 2013, therefore, there were equal numbers of men and women in research teams at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM), the Institut Pasteur and the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) (chart 37.02).

In contrast, they represented only 16% of researchers at the French National Aerospace Research Centre (ONERA) and 20% at the French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (INRIA). In business enterprises, there are more female than male researchers in 'Pharmacy' (59%), whereas their numbers are nearly equal in 'Chemistry' (47%) (chart 37.03). However, women are poorly represented in 'Aeronautics and space construction' (17%), 'IT activities' and 'Manufacturing of motor vehicles' (13%) and 'Manufacture of machines and equipment' (8%).

Between 2011 and 2013, women's representation in France among all R&D personnel remained stable at around 30%. Nevertheless, care must be taken when interpreting these figures as the proportion of women increased over the same period both in businesses (+0.4 points) and government (+0.1 point). The stagnation observed overall is due to a structural effect: the increasing weight of business enterprises in relation to government, combined with a lower proportion of women in business compared to government. This phenomenon, which is true of all R&D personnel, is particularly relevant when we consider researchers alone. Between 2011 and 2013, the level of female researchers fell by -0.1 point for all researchers in France, whereas it increased in both businesses and government (+0.2 points).

These trends in France are similar to those observed in other OECD countries. Everywhere, we see an under-representation of women in research teams, especially in business enterprises (chart 37.04). Portugal, Estonia and Slovakia, however, have near equality between men and women. In these countries, women represent more than 40% of all researchers. In these three countries, at least 70% of reseaerchers work in the State or higher education sectors. In contrast, in South Korea, Japan, the Netherlands and France, women represent 15%, 18%, 24% and 26% of researchers respectively. In each of these countries, 60% of researchers or more work in business enterprises.

 Coverage:Whole of France.

How to cite this paper :

PERRAIN Laurent. Gender equality in research. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 50 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2016. 9th ed. Chapter 37 [Accessed 01/22/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-151572-7.


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The data for France are obtained from annual surveys by the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research (MENESR) on R&D expenditure. The survey covers 11,000 businesses (private and public) and government bodies (universities and other higher education institutions), public research bodies (State-owned scientific and technological establishments (EPST), State-owned industrial and commercial establishments (EPIC)) and other public institutions, government departments (including defence), university hospitals and comprehensive cancer centres, not-for-profit institutions (NPI)).

Research personnel includes researchers and ancillary research staff (according to the definitions in the|Frascati Manual||To the Frascati Manual on the OECD website|).

R&D researchers are specialists engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge, products, processes, methods and systems. Also included are doctoral students with funding (including those with an Industrial Agreement for Training through Research (CIFRE)) and staff responsible for managing research teams.

Research ancillary staff include technicians who participate in R&D, carrying out scientific and technical tasks under the supervision of researchers, workers assigned to R&D work and staff working on administrative tasks linked with R&D work.

The numbers shown, as a headcount, corresponds to staff on 31 December of the year of reference, regardless of their share of R&D work.

The headcount data are not available for some OECD countries, such as Canada and the United States.


Key figures

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises
Whole of France
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Share of women among researchers in government
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in the Automobile industry
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in Aeronautics and space construction
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

  See more key figures  
Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in the Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation, watches and clocks
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in the Pharmaceuticals industry
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in Electronic components and boards, computers, peripheral equipment
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in the Manufacture of communication equipment
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

  See more key figures  
Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in Information technology and computer service activities
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in Specialist scientific and technical activities
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in Telecommunications
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

  See more key figures  
Share of women among researchers in business enterprises in the Chemicals industry
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the Institut Pasteur - Paris
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

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Share of women among researchers at the French research institute for the exploitation of the sea (IFREMER)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the Institute of Research for Development (IRD)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the French Agricultural Research and International Cooperation Organisation (CIRAD)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

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Share of women among researchers at the French Institute of science and technology for transport, spatial planning, development and networks (IFSTTAR)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the French Government Space Agency (CNES)
Whole of France
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Share of women among researchers at the French National Institute for Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (INRIA)
Whole of France
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Extract from the chapter "37. gender equality in research".

Share of women among researchers at the civilian arm of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
Whole of France
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Coverage: civilian activity
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Share of women among researchers at the French National Aerospace Research Centre (ONERA)
Whole of France
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37.01 Total R&D personnel and share of women in 2013 (headcount in thousands, %) 1

(in thousands)
women (in %)
(in thousands)
women (in %)
(in thousands)
women (in %)
Business enterprises 220 19.9 122 26.8 342 22.3
Government 146 34.9 87 49.8 233 40.2
All 366 25.9 209 36.4 575 29.6

1 Semi-finalised data.

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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37.02 Share of women in research personnel in government in 2013 (%) 1

Institut Pasteur - Paris
All government
University and other higher education institutions
CEA - Civil division
R&D ancilliary staff

1 Semi-finalised data.

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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37.03 Proportion of women in research personnel in business enterprises in 2013 (%) 1

Pharmaceutical industry
Chemical industry
Specialised scientific and technical activities
All business enterprises
Electronic components and boards, computers, peripheral equipment
Manufacture of air and spacecraft and related machinery
Computer-related and information service activities
Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation, watches and clocks
Publishing, audiovisual and broadcasting
Manufacture of communication equipment
Manufacture of electrical equipment
Manufacture of motor vehicles
Manufacture of machines and equipment not included elsewhere
R&D ancilliary staff

1 Semi-finalised data.

 Coverage: Whole of France.

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37.04 Share of women among researchers in the main OECD countries in 2013 (%)

PT 1
GB 1
SE 2
IT 1Denmark 1
IE 2
CL 1
AT 2
DE 2
BE 2
Researchers in business enterprises
Researchers in government

1 2012 data.
2 2011 data.

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