Cover of higher education & research in France, facts and figures

H2020 is the European Union's tool for supporting investment in R&D. It includes the former RDT framework programme, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the innovation actions of the CIP programme. It is built around 3 main 'Pillars': 'Excellent Science' which focuses on fundamental research, 'Industrial leadership' and 'Societal challenges', which is more focused on applied research. It is implemented mainly through collaborative and European projects, but it is now possible for innovative SMEs to obtain individual funding.

The analysis of national participations in H2020 is conducted using the following indicators:

Participation: for each research team from a country which forms part of a research consortium, one unit is added to the country's account.

Projects: If at least one research team is present in the project, one unit is added to the country's account.

Success rate of H2020 calls for proposals is the ratio between the number of selected projects involving at least one team from a country and the total number of projects involving at least one team from the same country that were submitted in response to FP7 calls for proposal.

Country return rate is the ratio between the proportion of funding received and the share of contribution to the EU budget.

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46 France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020

This page has been updated. Read 45. France in the european research area via its participation in H2020 in Higher education & research in France, facts and figures 10th edition - June 2017

In 18 months, France has received €1.2bn for its participation in the Horizon 2020 European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. With 11.1% of subsidies allocated, France is the 3rd largest beneficiary of European allocations for research. Its participation appears to have consolidated in comparison to its performances during the last year of the previous programme.

The Horizon 2020 European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation is the successor to FP7 for the period 2014-2020. For these seven years, the European Union plans to allocate a budget of around €77 billion, around 1.5 times the budget of the previous programme.

Between January 2014 and June 2015, France responded to 133 out of 148 calls for project proposals, with a success rate of 15%, 2.2 points higher than the average success rate. In terms of success, this places it higher than the United Kingdom and Germany (14.4% and 14.1% respectively) (chart 46.01).

With €1.2 billion, i.e. 11.1% of allocated funding, France is ranked third among the beneficiary countries, behind Germany (16.8%) and the United Kingdom (15.4%) (table 46.02). This performance is of an equivalent level to that recorded over the whole of FP7 (11.5%) (chart 46.03a, chart 46.03b), but appears to be slightly higher than 2013 alone (10.1%).

Although Switzerland was involved in all the FP7 programmes, it decided only to be involved in the 'Excellence' pillar of the H2020 programme. This withdrawal has resulted in an automatic increase in the performance of the other countries. For France, the gain was around 0.3 points in terms of subsidies allocated to French partners. However, the increase in French results was also due to better overall participation by the national teams in H2020. France in fact accounted for 8.7% of total funding requests in the first Horizon 2020 calls for proposals, placing it in fifth position of all the participating countries, whereas it only attained 7.9% in 2013, the final year of FP7.

France retained its first place in the Space sector. It is the main beneficiary of allocated funding in this sector (19.5% of subsidies for 14.6% of participations) (chart 46.04a, chart 46.04b). In bioeconomics, the national teams increased their involvement. This effort resulted in a 6.3 point increase in funding compared to 2013 (5.8% of subsidies).

By contrast, France lost its leading position in the nuclear sector (16.4% of participations and 15.9% of subsidies) to Germany (10.8%, 22.6%).

As in FP7, France is under-represented in the challenges related to human sciences. Its presence in the "Inclusive societies" challenge has changed little, with 4.5% of participations and 5% of subsidies. The significant decline in French performance in the "Sound societies" challenge is due to a much greater presence of human and social science projects than in the past (for example study of organisations, sociology, psychology, ethics, human factors) to which the French Human & Social Science community does not always respond.

Germany is still France's preferred partner (chart 46.05). The German teams are present in seven out of ten projects involving at least one French team. French-German cooperation is particularly strong in the nuclear sector (89% of French projects involving at least one German team) and biotechnology (84% of projects). Cooperation with Spanish teams in bioeconomics is increasing, with 80% of French projects involving a Spanish team.

Despite the improvement in the share of funding obtained by France, the French position in terms of the return rate is still a matter for concern (table 46.02). Although France's contribution to the EU budget fell slightly between 2013 and 2014, on this criterion, at the end of this first year France is in penultimate place of the 10 main countries participating in H2020.


How to cite this paper :

FRIANT Zoé, LAURENT Frédéric. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020. In: Higher education & research in France, facts and figures - 50 indicators [online]. KABLA-LANGLOIS Isabelle (dir.). Paris: Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2016. 9th ed. Chapter 46 [Accessed 01/15/2025]. ISBN 978-2-11-151572-7.


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H2020 is the European Union's tool for supporting investment in R&D. It includes the former RDT framework programme, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the innovation actions of the CIP programme. It is built around 3 main 'Pillars': 'Excellent Science' which focuses on fundamental research, 'Industrial leadership' and 'Societal challenges', which is more focused on applied research. It is implemented mainly through collaborative and European projects, but it is now possible for innovative SMEs to obtain individual funding.

The analysis of national participations in H2020 is conducted using the following indicators:

Participation: for each research team from a country which forms part of a research consortium, one unit is added to the country's account.

Projects: If at least one research team is present in the project, one unit is added to the country's account.

Success rate of H2020 calls for proposals is the ratio between the number of selected projects involving at least one team from a country and the total number of projects involving at least one team from the same country that were submitted in response to FP7 calls for proposal.

Country return rate is the ratio between the proportion of funding received and the share of contribution to the EU budget.


Key figures

Amount of contributions allocated to French teams via H2020
1,284 M
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)
Share of contributions allocated to French teams via H2020
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)
Share of French participation in H2020
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)
Success rate (participation) of H2020 projects involving French teams
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)
  See more key figures  
Success rate (contribution) of H2020 projects involving French teams
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)
Success rate (coordination) of H2020 projects involving French teams
june 2015
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Extract from the chapter "46. France in the European Research Area via its participation in H2020".

Source: MENESR-DGESIP/DGRI-SIES, special tabulations of E-Corda - H2020 projects and participants database (October 2015, European Commission)

46.01 General profile of H2020 participation by Germany, the United Kingdom and France 1

United Kingdom

1 Indicators as a %.

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46.02 The top 10 beneficiary countries of H2020 1

Contributions granted (€M) Share of contributions in H2020 (%) National contributions to the EU budget (2014) (%) Return rate 2
Germany 1,946.4 16.7 21.3 0.79
United Kingdom 1,782.9 15.3 11.0 1.40
France 1,284.8 11.1 16.3 0.68
Spain 1,035.1 8.9 8.1 1.10
Italy 939.8 8.1 12.2 0.66
Netherlands 930.5 8.1 5.6 1.45
Belgium 486.0 4.2 4.0 1.07
Sweden 397.7 3.4 3.4 1.02
Austria 322.8 2.8 2.3 1.20
Denmark 309.7 2.7 1.3 2.02

1 The top 10 countries received 81% of the contributions allocated under the Horizon 2020 framework.
2 For each €1 of contribution to the EU budget, France receives €0.68 in return under the Horizon 2020 framework.

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46.03a Share of financial contribution received for Germany, the United Kingdom and France in FP5, FP6, FP7 and H2020 (%)

United Kingdom

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46.03b Share of financial contribution received for Germany, France and the United Kingdom between 2014 and 2015 in H2020 (%) 1

United Kingdom

1 In February 2016, the data available for 2015 only covers the results of calls for proposals from January to June.

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46.04a Germany, France and the United Kingdom in H2020 1 - Share of participations by priorities (%)

United Kingdom

1 Excluding access to venture capital.

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46.04b Germany, France and the United Kingdom in H2020 1 - Share of subsidies by priorities (%)

United Kingdom

1 Excluding access to venture capital.

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46.05 France's main partner countries in H2020 (% of projects involving a French partner)


Germany is represented in 70.7% of projects with at least one French partner.

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Other editions

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45 - France in the european research area via its participation in H2020 - Zoé Friant & Frédéric Laurent
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Etat de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rechercheHigher education & research in France, facts and figures 8th edition - November 2015
45 - France's position in the 7th RTD Framework Programme (FP7) - Zoé Friant & Frédéric Laurent
By receiving 11.5% of the contributions allocated by the European Union through FP7, France is the third-biggest beneficiary after Germany and the United Kingdom. Nuclear research, space and aeronautics are France's highest performing areas. However, its position is being eroded, especially due to the weak engagement of French researchers [Consult the following page]


 Etat de l'enseignement supérieur et de la rechercheL'état de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche en France n°9 - Juin 2016
46 - la France dans l'espace européen de la recherche via sa participation à H2020 - Zoé Friant & Frédéric Laurent
En une année et demie, la France a perçu 1,2 Md€ au titre de ses participations au programme-cadre européen Horizon 2020 en faveur de la recherche et de l’innovation. Avec 11,1 % des subventions allouées, la France est le 3e bénéficiaire des crédits européens en faveur de la recherche. Sa participation semble se consolider en comparaison à ses performances à la dernière année du précédent programme [Consult the following page in french]

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