Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes. Wherever the data permit, an international comparison is provided. A double page is devoted to each of the 47 themes, including a summary of the latest available data along with graphs, tables and comments.
La santé constitue un thème incontournable pour appréhender les conditions de vie des étudiants. L’enquête triennale Conditions de vie des étudiants qui a recueilli 33 000 réponses pour sa sixième édition en 2010, aborde de multiples aspects des
conditions de vie et d’études des étudiants (parcours, vie studieuse, ressources, logement, restauration...). Elle permet ainsi une analyse fine des conditions de santé de cette population ainsi que de leurs effets. Cet OVE infos analyse les jugements et les pratiques des étudiants en matière de santé, il interroge les raisons des renoncements à des consultations médicales, les conduites à risques et met en lumières les facteurs qui jouent sur les fragilités psychologiques des étudiants.
The 6th edition of Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures provides an annual overview, backed up by figures, of the French higher education and research system, with its changes, resources and outcomes. These data are provided by the statistical departments of various Ministries, for example the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Education and the Ministries for the Economy and Finance, but also from other organisations such as the Centre for Study and Research in Training and Education Policy, the National Observatory of Student Life, the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, the Science and Technology Observatory, and the OECD.