Statistical publications published in 2013


31 statistical publications

Success and failure in first cycle programmes
The study path of students in first cycle programmes is marked by course changes and repeat years. In fact, only one in two students moves up directly from first year into the second year of the Bachelor's degree programme (one in four repeats the year and one in four changes course or gives up their higher education studies completely), while of those reaching the third year of the general Bachelor's degree programme, almost seven out of ten students obtain their diploma in just one year (nine out of ten for the vocational degree). For the University technology diploma delivered by the IUT (¦Diplôme universitaire de technologie - ¦DUT), the number of students moving into the second year is high, with seven out of ten students. The pass rate in second year is also high: almost nine students out of ten obtained their diploma at the 2011 session. In Advanced technician’s sections (¦Section de technicien supérieur - ¦STS), 85% of students move into second year. At the 2011 session, the pass rate for the Advanced technician diploma (¦Brevet de technicien supérieur - ¦BTS) was 72%, two points higher than in 2010. These rates vary depending on the type of students and the type of institution in which they are studying. However, overall, if the definition of failure in the first cycle of study is the fact of leaving higher education with no diploma, then the failure rate in France is around 19%, ten points below the OECD average.
Forecasts for student numbers in higher education for academic years 2013 to 2022
At the start of the 2013-14 academic year, according to forecasts based on the provisional results of the baccalauréat and the course choices seen in previous years, student numbers seemed set to increase by 1.5% across all higher education as a whole.
However, the numbers of students entering higher education remained the same as last year, while the number of baccalauréat holders decreased at the 2013 session. Looking ahead to 2022, the number of general baccalauréat holders will probably increase by 12.9% compared with 2012, while the number of technological baccalauréat holders seems set to decline by 3.2%. Numbers of students with a vocational baccalauréat will see an adjustment after the cyclical peak of 2012 (-8.6% between 2012 and 2022), but are likely to remain higher than in 2011 (+12.2%). Following this influx of general baccalauréat holders, if trends in terms of career guidance and continuing education were to continue, student numbers would increase by 8% in universities between 2012 and 2022, by 12.3% in classes preparing for admission to Grandes Écoles (¦Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles - ¦CPGE), by 4.1% in Technological university institutes (Institut universitaire de technologie - IUT) and by 0.1% in the Advanced technician’s sections (Section de technicien supérieur - STS). Higher education could therefore include almost 2.6 million students in 2022, or 200,000 more than at the start of 2012.
RERS - 2013
Publication annuelle de la direction de l’évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance, RERS présente un vaste ensemble d’indicateurs statistiques. Déclinée en plus de 180 thématiques, cette information constitue une référence pour toute réflexion sur l’évolution du système d’enseignement et de recherche français.
NI DEPP 13.14 - Résultats provisoires du baccalauréat 2013
À résultats en baisse, porte la part d’une génération obtenant le baccalaréat à 77,5 % contre la session de juin 2012, avec 84,5 % d’admis en France métropolitaine et dans les DOM hors Mayotte, le taux de réussite global au baccalauréat présente une légère baisse (- 1,1 pt) par rapport à la session 2011. Les taux de réussite au baccalauréat général et au baccalauréat technologique augmentent respectivement de 1,4 et de 1 point tandis que celui du baccalauréat professionnel est en baisse de 5,6 points en 2012.

Le taux de réussite au baccalauréat s’établit à 89,6 % dans la voie générale, 83,4 % dans la voie technologique et 78,2 % dans la voie professionnelle. L’année 2012 a encore connu une forte progression du nombre des candidats au baccalauréat professionnel (+ 28 %) qui, malgré des 71,6 % l’an dernier. À la session de juin 2013, avec 86,8 % d’admis, le taux de réussite global au baccalauréat en France est en hausse (2,4 points) par rapport à la session 2012.

Les taux de réussite au baccalauréat général et au baccalauréat technologique augmentent respectivement de 2,4 et de 3,3 points. Les résultats du baccalauréat professionnel se stabilisent en 2013 (+ 0,5 point) après trois ans de forte baisse. Le taux de réussite au baccalauréat s’établit à 91,9 % dans la voie générale, 86,4 % dans la voie technologique et 78,6 % dans la voie professionnelle.

La réforme de la voie professionnelle étant achevée, le nombre des candidats au baccalauréat professionnel baisse de 17 % en 2013 (- 40 300) ce qui réduit la part d’une génération obtenant ce baccalauréat à 19,9 % contre 23,6 % l’an dernier. Au total, la part des bacheliers 2013 dans une génération est ramenée à 73,1 % contre 76,4 % en 2012.
Higher education & research in France, facts and figures
The 6th edition of Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures provides an annual overview, backed up by figures, of the French higher education and research system, with its changes, resources and outcomes. These data are provided by the statistical departments of various Ministries, for example the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Education and the Ministries for the Economy and Finance, but also from other organisations such as the Centre for Study and Research in Training and Education Policy, the National Observatory of Student Life, the French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, the Science and Technology Observatory, and the OECD.
Funding of research and technology transfer by territorial authorities
Research and technology transfer (R&T) are acknowledged as necessary for economic development. Territorial authorities, in particular the regions, make a significant contribution to creating and expanding an environment that fosters innovation, even though research funding by the different territorial levels remains fairly modest overall (7% of public funding) compared with government expenditure in this area (see Box, page 11). Budget expenditure on R&T is mainly related to spatial planning policy through State-region project contracts (Contrats de projet Etat-régions - CPER)). It is also included in competitiveness cluster policy and the set-up of higher education and research clusters (Pôles de recherche et d’enseignement supérieur - PRES) and more recently in the "Investments for the Future" programme (Progamme Investissements d’avenir" - PIA). However, these are not the only form of local action devoted to R&T. Through regional innovation or economic development strategies, the regions define subject-specific or organisational priority areas for which they are particularly keen to provide support. In this way, territorial authorities are directly involved in funding public or private research projects, training through research, as well as laboratories and technology transfer structures (technology platforms, incubators). These economic development actions extend beyond the scope of skills transfer required by the decentralisation laws. Since 2003, budgets allocated or spent by territorial authorities in support of research can be measured by the annual survey on R&T budgets.
French Ministry of Higher education and Research