Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes. Wherever the data permit, an international comparison is provided. A double page is devoted to each of the 49 themes, including a summary of the latest available data along with graphs, tables and comments.
Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes. Wherever the data permit, an international comparison is provided. A double page is devoted to each of the 50 themes, including a summary of the latest available data along with graphs, tables and comments.
On leaving university, there are more female than male Masters graduates. The professional integration rate, 30 months after graduating, is similar between men and women. However, women experience less favourable employment conditions than their male counterparts.
These differences are primarily due to the subject of the Master’s degree. In disciplines in which the number of women is the highest, opportunities in the employment market are less favourable. However, in disciplines with fewer women, professional inequalities are significant. In addition, regardless of the discipline, career paths diverge, with more women in employment in the non-profit and public sectors, where pay is usually lower and contracts less stable.
For a given discipline, type of employer and sector of activity, inequalities persist, above all with regard to pay, in which the residual difference is the largest, representing two-thirds of the differences noted.
Gender equality has been a core principle of the European project since 1957. Championed both by European institutions and all Member States, gender equality has been enshrined in cross-cutting public policies and special measures to promote the emancipation, independence and freedom of women. This 9th European conference on gender equality in higher education and research provides a special opportunity to advance in this direction. This is why the Minister for Naitonal Education, Higher Education and Rearch wished to provide with a compilation of key figures regarding equality between the sexes in the field of higher education and research. The 35 key figures herein illustrate the situation concerning gender equality in EU countries in light of recent statistical data on students, graduates, staff (research professors, researchers, support staff, etc.) and on higher education and research governance bodies.
Higher Education and Research, Facts and Figures presents an annual overview, backed up by figures, of developments within the French system, its resources and outcomes. Wherever the data permit, an international comparison is provided. A double page is devoted to each of the 49 themes, including a summary of the latest available data along with graphs, tables and comments.
As in previous editions, this 4th edition of The State of Higher Education and Research presents a detailed overview, backed up by figures, of current developments within the French system, the resources it deploys and its outcomes, situating it, wherever data permit, in relation to its international counterparts.
The first edition of The State of Higher Education and Research presents a detailed overview, backed up by figures, of current developments within the French system, the resources it deploys and its outcomes, situating it, wherever data permit, in relation to its international counterparts.
This atlas presents the numbers of students enrolled in institutions and programmes of higher education, as recorded in the information systems and surveys of the Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Fishing and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of the Family and Social Protection. The combination of the above resources can sometimes lead to an incremental number of duplicate records of students enrolled in the higher education system. This is because the same student may enrol in several programmes and may be counted more than once if assigned a different identification number for each enrolment.
The geographic unit used in the present document is the 'urban unit', or agglomeration; for the Ile-de-France region, the commune is the geographic unit of reference.
In 1997, 23,0% of researchers were women versus 21,6% five years earlier.
Growth in the number of researchers has marginally benefited women in public and industrial R&D.
However their numbers are higher in public research. The proportion of women involved in the research field varies to a considerable extent according to discipline. The similar position of women in public civil research where medical and life sciences predominate and in pharmaceutical industry is a good example. The proportion of women also differs according to their position : growth in numbers is inverse to the position they hold in the hierarchical order of their institution. Women?s participation grows fast in upper secondary and higher education or in engineering schools than on the labour market.